Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 127

How Do I Know When to Invoke A POA?

A power of attorney is an authority given to another person to act on behalf of an individual usually called a principal. The agreement is made into a legal document guiding the relationship between the attorney and the principal. There are four types namely: general power of attorney; durable power of attorney; special or limited power of attorney; and springing durable power of attorney.

There are many situations in which given out this authority may be advisable and necessary, for example, this power might be given out about property management and financial affairs, it may be given when one needs to collect benefits or when one desires to sell a home. In these situations, authority can be given to another person to sign a contract on behalf of a principal. There are some decisions in which this power can be delegated to another such as making health care decision.

Before this authority can be given to another, the principal must make sure that he understands the information contained in the document and that it conforms to that state’s requirements. He must be able to evaluate the information in the document and must be mentally fit to do such. Also, the principal must be able to communicate his intents clearly and effectively. To obtain the power of attorney is easy if some precise steps are taken. One of such steps is checking the state’s requirements to make sure one is on the right track. One needs to fill relevant forms and makes sure that the document is clear enough for all signatories.

The preceding paragraph must deal with the legal capacities of the principal. This is the ability of a person to arrive at decisions that are legally valid. This ability will guarantee his fitness to enter into a binding contractual agreement with other people. It also consists of the ability to choose who he will give the authority to. Legal capacity will enable the principal to make his intents clear to avoid misrepresentation.

This power can be revoked when the principal decides to do so. However, the process of revocation must be made explicit to all parties involved. The most important step in this process is to be sure of state’s requirements so as not to contravene laid down rules and regulations governing such procedure. All institutions involved in this process of revocation must be duly informed for necessary actions. In case of legal capacity issues such as when the principal becomes incapacitated or when he can no longer make decisions for himself because of mental depreciation or disability the family members can approach the court for revocation of the power of attorney. Also, this power can be revoked when one is no longer satisfied with the services being rendered by the attorney. It can also be revoked when there is a case of exploitation and abuse on the part of the attorney. Revocation can also occur when the attorney misuse his power.

Learn more about attorney Sean J. Nichols and the legal services he provides for clients including: estate planning, elder law issues, Medicaid planning, elder care, probate law, guardianships, and power of attorney (POA) at  To contact the offices of Sean J Nichols, call 734.386.0224 today.

How Do Water Softeners and Conditioners Really Work?

Do you notice a build-up of scum in your shower or dishwasher? Is your home’s shower not supplying you with water that feels “right” as you rinse off the day? If you are encountering issues or experiencing a change in your water supply, it may be so to hard water or that the treatment option that you are currently using for your homes water is not the right one.

One of the most common solutions to treat a hard water supply is with a water softener or conditioner. In this installment, we shall briefly discuss the problem of hard water, how water softener systems and water conditioner work, and the difference between both.

Problems with Hard Water

Hard water is caused by the presence of too many metals or minerals in the water, such as magnesium, calcium, and others. These minerals dissolve into your household water through the dissolution of the surrounding soil and rock. Water hardness is calculated in milligrams per liter (mg/L) or grains per gallon (GPG). If your water tests 1 GPG or less, then you have soft water.

Hard water does not flow easily through because of the build-up of scale which accumulates inside your water pipes, heater or other appliances. In extreme cases, hard water can clog up water pipes and stop the flow of water all together. Hard water also influences household appliances and everyday activities. For instance, hard water reduces soap lathering, causing the water to become sticky and scum-like inside of lather.

How Water Softening Works

If you have a problem with hard water in your home, one of the best solutions is to install a water softener. Of course, it is important to speak with a professional who will test your homes water to see if this is the right option for your family.  A water softener reacts with the calcium and magnesium ions and replaces them with sodium ion which results in a softer water. The added sodium is well below the FDA standard which makes the water fit for life.

The ion replacement is done in a tank filled with resin. The beads are negatively charged and attract the sodium ions which are positively charged. Once water flows across these beads, magnesium, and calcium ions are replaced with sodium ions.

Once the softening is completed, there is a need to recycle the beads in sodium chloride solution (water softening salt). This solution will remove the magnesium and calcium ions attracted to the beads and replace them with sodium. This bead can then be used for further softening session.

Choosing a Water Softener or Conditioner?

The term water softener and water conditioner are often used interchangeably. However, there is a huge difference between the two appliances.

Water conditioners remove chlorine, sediments, chemicals, and other foreign materials while treating water hardness while water softener system does not treat water for any other reason other than hardness. Of course, both appliances are used to treat water hardness, but the results are always different.

Water conditioner system processes water through a process that prevents scales. This causes a slight drop in the water pressure and causes the hardness-causing minerals to be suspended for three days. Usually, a catalyst in form of a magnetic field is used to enhance the process. In the end, the system displaces bad tastes, minerals, and prevents bacterial growth. Although the water is not technically soft, it still possesses the properties of a soft water. This means that the water will not precipitate and will lather easily with soap.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


Is LASIK an Option When You Are Over 40?

Can I get LASIK eye surgery even though I am over 40?  This is a question the professionals at Rohr Eye and Laser center often get when meeting with a prospective new patient and the answer is simple, YES!  Although there is nothing simple about your eyes or how you care for them, laser surgery to correct your vision is not something to spend time being worried about.

LASIK, known to be short for laser assisted vision correction, is referred to about many different types of refractive eye surgery and laser vision correction techniques.  Dr. Jeffery S. Rohr is a highly skilled and trained eye doctor who focuses on vision correction surgery in Michigan on patients of all ages.

As a person’s vision starts to deteriorate after 40, the first thing that comes to people’s minds is that they need to start wearing reading glasses, bifocals, or reader contacts.  Often with the thought that LASIK is not to be considered because of their age or they believe their vision problem is not “bad enough” to consider laser vision correction surgery.  Thankfully however, LASIK is the solution for several issues patients over 40 are conflicted with including:

  • Seeing in the distance – Although this often means patients may need to use readers even after the sight for distance issue is resolved.
  • Monovision LASIK – This procedure decreases or eliminates the need for glasses or contacts for seeing close or far away.
  • Corneal Inlay – This is an implant that is placed on the stroma to correct vision when objects are near.

However, if a patient’s vision has begun to fade because of cataracts then LASIK is not a good choice for you.  For patients with cataracts a better option to improve your vision may be actual lens replacement.  If cataracts are your only eye ailment, then most often eye surgeons will recommend lens replacement over correction.

No matter what age you are it is important to do thorough research on the ailment that is afflicting your vision and causing you issues with seeing be it near or farsightedness and the treatment options available.  Both online and in person research will ensure you understand what treatment is available, how it will help you, the recovery, and the prognosis for your future eyesight once it has been corrected.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.

Difference Between Freight Forwards and Freight Carrier

Among other businesses manufacturing companies often need to ship their products to warehouses and to market. If you have a new business that ships freight as part of your business, you may be wondering whether you should hire a freight carrier service or a freight forwarder to get your goods to market. To decide which type of company to choose when shipping your freight, you need to know the difference between freight forwarders and freight carriers.


A freight forwarder is company that works as a middle man between the company needing to ship the product and the freight trucking company that carries the freight. They arrange for various companies to haul your goods from point A to B sometimes involving several different freight carrier services to transport your goods.

A freight carrier on the other hand is the company that hauls your freight from point A to point B. While both types of companies will get your goods where they need to go there are some benefits to you working with the freight carrier service directly.


These benefits include:

Cutting Out the Middle Man

When hiring a freight forwarder, you often pay more money to ship your goods because you need to pay the freight trucking company’s cost for hauling your goods and pay an addition fee to the forwarder for arranging for the hauling of your freight. Over the course of a year this can end up costing your hundreds if not thousands of dollars more to ship your goods. You have no control over the freight carrier service the forwarder selects and less control of amount of your shipping costs. By cutting out the middle man and hiring the freight trucking company yourself you likely will end up paying less to get your goods to market.


Ability to Negotiate Shipping Rates Yourself


By dealing with the freight carrier Service directly you are able to negotiate yourself for a better rate than you might otherwise get. Since cost is a large part of doing business having more control over your shipping costs may make the difference between success of your business or its failure. Depending on the amount of goods you need to ship you can often negotiate much better rates than you get through a Freight Forwarder.


You Can Choose A Company You Trust


Another important benefit of hiring the freight carrier service yourself is that you can choose the company of your choice and one that you trust. You also have the ability of forming an excellent working relationship with a specific freight trucking and building a relationship of trust and may be able to form a relationship where the Freight carrier service comes to depend on your business and will go the extra mile to see that your goods are delivered on time.

While both the freight forwards and the freight carrier will get your goods to market, hiring a freight carrier service yourself to hire your goods has some distinct benefits.


Learn more about Matrix Transportation and the transportation services they offer including: dedicated truckloads, JIT truckloads, less than truckload (LTL), same day expedited FTL and LTL, full truckload, warehousing, cross-docking, and trailer rentals at  To contact one of our trucking experts call toll free 888.896.2405 today.


Bloating, Swelling, & Warping: Causes of Damage to Vinyl Siding

Many homeowners choose to have vinyl siding installed on their homes.  It is known for lasting for a very long time and it is practically maintenance free.  However, there are certain situations that can cause vinyl siding to bloat, swell, and even warp, which will make it look horrendous from any vantage point.  Since all homeowners want their home to look beautiful inside and out, they are not going to want their vinyl siding to look bad at any time and therefore should take proper precautions to avoid these issues.

When a homeowner hires an exterior home improvement contractor, they will want to make sure that the contractor is a professional and has years of experience hanging vinyl siding.  Without this experience, exterior home improvement contractors might nail the vinyl siding too closely to the house.  That means that the vinyl siding will not be able to move as it needs to from thermal expansion and it will buckle and warp.

The elements can really wreak havoc on vinyl siding as well, and it is common for the siding to become buckled and warped after being exposed to many different elements for months or years.  Some of the elements that are the worst include severely windy conditions, intense sunlight, and even extreme rain.

Of course, homeowners also need to consider chemical exposure or heat from nearby buildings if they start to see their vinyl siding bloating, swelling, or warping, because those two things can create a lot of damage too.

Exterior home improvement contractors all agree that homeowners should inspect their vinyl siding on a regular basis.  This will allow them to catch the buckling and warping much sooner, when there is a possibility of it being repaired easily.  Regular maintenance on your homes exterior will prevent siding issues from turning into siding catastrophes.

Unfortunately, if damaged vinyl siding isn’t repaired quickly, there will be no way for exterior home improvement contractors to fix it.  The reason for this is that the buckling and warping will continue to spread to larger areas and the only way to make the siding look nice again is completely replacing it.  At least, when the damage is limited to a smaller section, there is a chance that only that section would need to be replaced.

We always recommend that homeowners hold onto the vinyl siding that is leftover from the installation, so if a small section does buckle or warp, it is easy to replace those pieces.  However, those few pieces will not be of any help if an entire side of a house needs to be redone.

No matter what, homeowners will want to call their exterior home improvement contractor as soon as they see their vinyl siding bloating, swelling, or warping.  This phone call can save a homeowner thousands of dollars if they do it quickly enough.

Learn more about Kearns Brothers, a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all Southeast Michigan’s construction needs by visiting their website at or contact a remodeling expert at 888.355.6700.


Dark or Light Cabinetry in Kitchen- Which Is Better

You have finally decided that it is time for those kitchen renovations you have been thinking about for so long and now you are faced with the 101 important decisions that goes into every kitchen remodeling task. One of the most important decisions is in regard to kitchen cabinetry since they take up a great deal of space in your kitchen and are the first things most people notice when entering the room.


Along with the style of your kitchen cabinets you also must decide whether to go with dark or light cabinetry. The decision to have either light or dark cabinets will depend on many things including your own personal preference and even the reason for your kitchen renovations. Here is a look at the benefits and drawbacks of both light and dark cabinetry.


Light Cabinets

Choosing light cabinetry can make a small kitchen look larger and if they are the same color as the walls and back splash they can also make your kitchen appear more spacious. In addition, light cabinets especially those that are white gives your kitchen a more sanitary feel. In addition, light cabinetry is suitable for any wall and counter top color.

However, you do keep in mind that light cabinets show dirt far more easily than dark cabinets so may not be a good choice for families with small children. Light cabinets also show wear and tear more such as cracks more easily dark cabinets.


However, if your kitchen remodeling is being done in order for you to sell your home for a higher price the recommendation is that light cabinets may help the overall price of your home more than dark cabinetry.


Dark Cabinetry

Dark cabinetry on the other hand can work well in larger kitchens especially against a light-colored background such as your walls and back splash as well as a kitchen with good lighting. Dark cabinets add a warmth and richness to your kitchen you don’t get with light cabinets. They also can look quite sophisticated depending on the style of cabinets you choose. For example, dark gray kitchen cabinets can look stunning against light walls and light marbled counter tops.


Dark cabinets are less likely to show dirt so may work better if you have small children in the house. They are also less likely to show wear and tear such as cracks.


Other Considerations

There are other considerations that go into choosing light or dark cabinetry when doing a kitchen remodeling. One of the most important considerations is your own taste and the style of the rest of your home. If all of the furniture throughout your home is dark, then light cabinets may look out of the place with the rest of your home. The reverse also is true, dark cabinets may look out of place in a home that is mostly light neutral colors.

As you can see when it comes to light or dark cabinets one is not clearly better than other it just depends on your own personal style and taste and the reason for your kitchen renovation project.


JFC Remodeling, out of Howell, Michigan, offers a variety of construction services for the home including: kitchen and bath remodeling, flooring renovations, and home remodeling.  You can find out more information at or by reaching out to our home renovation specialists at 810.923.1123.

How Reconditioned Electrical Components Can Save Manufactures Money

If you are a manufacturer of products you know how essential it is for you to keep those operating costs down to make as much profit as possible and to see your business thrive.  One way of reducing your overhead is by purchasing those raw materials at the least expensive rates possible.

Another way of reducing those operational costs is by replacing those worn out electrical parts needed in your manufacturing equipment with quality reconditioned electrical distribution equipment and reconditioned electrical parts. Keep in mind that not all parts that need to be reconditioned have functional problems to begin with, the parts may simply have been leased and when the lease has expired the part may be returned and need to be reconditioned before being issued for sale. Reconditioned electrical parts are of similar quality as new parts, but simply cost a lot less.

As surprising as it may be, purchasing high quality reconditioned electrical parts can save your manufacturing company anywhere from 50% to 75% over purchasing new parts and when quality reconditioned electrical equipment is reconditioned properly they can last if those new parts as well.

Choosing the Right Reconditioning Company

Of course you don’t want to purchase reconditioned electrical distribution equipment from just any company that reconditions these types of parts you want to buy those reconditioned electrical parts from a company that has an excellent record for those parts they sell and you want to make sure that the company has excellent reviews from places such as the Better Business Bureau and Google as well as testimonials on the company’s website.

When purchasing reconditioned electrical parts even from a reputable company here are some things you want to know about the reconditioning process before purchasing those parts.

Here are a few of the questions you want to ask.

1) What type of electrical parts does the company recondition? Does it recondition and sell the types of parts your manufacturing company needs?

2) Does the reconditioning Company completely disassemble the use part and clean all the parts and examine them to ensure that each of the smaller individual parts are in good condition?

3) Is the reconditioned used part then repainted with quality paint to give it that new like look and help to protect the part?

4) Is the reconditioned part tested once it is put back together and does the reconditioned part meet or exceed the Manufacturers UL certification.

5) Does the reconditioned part come with some type of warranty, so you can be assured that the money spent on the used part won’t be wasted?

By purchasing high quality reconditioned electrical components manufactures can save significant amounts of money when replacing those old worn out electrical parts for you manufacturing machinery. If your company is looking to cut operating costs, then buying reconditioned electrical parts for a reputable company may be one way do so.

Learn more about J & P Electrical Company and their vast line of new, surplus, and refurbished industrial electrical components including: circuit breakers, bus ducts, bus plugs, disconnects, fuses, panel switches, tap boxes, and transformers at  To contact one of our product reconditioning specialists, call 877.844.5514 today.



Making Your Home’s Roof More Energy Efficient

You may not give much thought of how your roof may be causing your energy bills to skyrocket, but if you cringe when you open your bill every month, you may want to open your mind as to why it is so high.  Think about how hot it can get up in your attic and how that heat can easily creep through to the other areas of your home.  Since we know that you do not want to sit in an extremely hot house all summer long, we know that you are cranking your air conditioning to compensate for all the extra heat that is seeping inside.

If you have finally had enough, you may want to consider hiring a roofing contractor to see how you can make your roof more energy efficient.

One of the best and easiest options that you have is increasing the insulation inside your attic.  Experienced roof contractors will be able to tell you which type of insulation is best for your home, as well as how much should be in place.  While you do not want too little insulation in your attic, you don’t want to put too much up there either.  The correct amount though, will get you in the right direction for energy efficiency and lower energy bills.

Dark colored shingles will absorb the heat from the sun quite easily, which is why many roofing contractors will recommend adding a cooling coating material to your roof.  Although, the cooling coating material can also be helpful if applied over lighter colored shingles as well.  This coating will not only decrease your energy bills, it will increase the UV and waterproofing protection and extend the life of your roof.

Of course, if your roof is quite old, you may not want to pay the price for a coating cooling material to be applied.  It may be better to replace your roof first and then have the material applied, as you will save more money in the long term.  When you are replacing your roof, we recommend choosing a material that has been designed to provide higher levels of energy efficiency.  We also recommend choosing a lighter color for your roof, as it will not attract and absorb all the heat and rays from the sun.  Instead, those lighter colors will reflect the sun’s rays, which will keep your home much cooler on those hot days.

An experienced roofing contractor can help you find ways to make your roof more energy efficient, which is why you should call them instead of trying to find a solution on your own.  You’ll find that you will see the difference much sooner if you accept their help, which means that you will be more comfortable in your home, while saving money, sooner than you ever thought.

Learn more about Home Pro Roofing and their vast line of custom roofing options installed by professional roofing contractors including: asphalt shingle roofing, metal roofing, roof repair, and new roof installation at  Our roofing contractors offer services throughout Michigan including: Kalamazoo, Brighton, Lansing, and the surrounding areas.

How Long Does It Really Take to Plan A Wedding?

According to most bridal magazines and several wedding blogs it takes at least a year to plan a wedding. There are even check lists telling you when you should accomplish each goal needed to have the perfect wedding. However, as many wedding planners will tell you, it is possible to plan a wedding within a few months or even weeks.


The actual time it takes to plan a wedding will depend on several different things including:


Your Expectations

Many women imagine the perfect wedding from the time they are quite young. They may want a certain venue, band, location. In cases such as these your wedding plans may take longer depending on when the venue is available. On the other hand, if the location of your venue is more general and you have hired a wedding coordinator or wedding planner they may have a list of possible venues and vendors that you contact at book on short notice if they are not booked.


Type of Wedding

Casual weddings often take less time to plan than more formal and intricate weddings. Although it is possible to put together a large wedding with 16 bridesmaids in just a few months it is easier to put everything together for a backyard wedding with just a couple of bridesmaids and less fanfare in a short amount of time. In addition, if you are one of these couples who want an unusual theme for your wedding as a Medieval theme, then it may take time to find the right clothing or have dresses custom made to fit your wedding theme, which will add on time to the wedding planning.


How Much Help You Have Planning the Wedding

Having knowledgeable help when planning a wedding can make a huge difference in the length of time it takes to plan a wedding. Having a wedding planner who has planned several weddings in a short amount of time can help keep you organized when planning a wedding in a short amount of time. A wedding coordinator can be essential in helping you put together a wedding in just a few months.


Your Guests

If plan on inviting a lot of guest many of which live a good distance away, then it may take a bit more time to plan your wedding since your guests will need time to plan for both time off work and making travel plans. However, if most of your guest live locally then it is easier for them to get to the wedding on shorter notice.


Many people feel they need at least a year to save enough money for the wedding, but recent figures show that for each month over 6 months that it takes to plan a wedding 10% is added to the wedding cost so, it is cheaper to get married sooner than later.


The fact is that depending on the couples wants and their own eagerness to get married a wedding can be planned within any amount of time set by the couple and a wedding coordinator or wedding planner can help you with the arrangements.


Event Planning DC provides full event planning, partial event planning, month-of (day-of) event coordination, event styling/design and decorating services throughout DC, Maryland, and Virginia, with access to local and national vendors who may provide additional services suitable for your event and budget.  We pride ourselves on providing only the highest quality event coordination, giving you and your guests the perfect day, no matter what the occasion including exclusive corporate and non-profit events, weddings, Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, community events and milestone celebrations.  Contact the professionals at Event Planning DC today!




Why It Is Better To Use A Realtor Than Going It Alone

At one point or the other in our lives we are faced with the problem of buying homes that meet our specific needs. Some people however, may decide to confront this problem by themselves. Thus, they begin to look for homes for sale. Good and cost saving as this approach might be the unforeseen problems associated with going it alone may wipe away the costs saved.

It is therefore advantageous to find a qualified realtor who has access to real estate listings that are available in one choice area. These realtors have the skills to hunt for homes that meet your taste, income and needs. This will save a considerable amount of time that might be used in productive activities. Realtors are experts that have been licensed to practice and they are guided by codes of conduct which if breached will attract serious penalties. They are expected to place the interests of their clients above their own, hence, they are expected to work for their clients’ satisfaction.

Going it alone may lead to paying more for a home than the actual value. Realtors are pricing experts who are conversant with the prices of different properties. They can come to the aid of their clients by making fair negotiations with sellers. The prices of homes for sale differs from one neighborhood to another depending on the facilities available. Realtors have information about different areas and they can offer valuable advice to prospective buyers. Most times when a property is chosen from real estate listings, it is the job of realtor to inspect the home and request for repairs where it is necessary on behalf of the buyer. A prospective buyer may not be able to handle this issue effectively, which may lead to friction with the seller. The realtors have adequate sense of what is fair when requesting that a home be repaired because of their experience in handling such cases.

The decision to go it alone without an expert realtor may affect negatively the proper transfer of the home to the buyer. It is the responsibility of the realtor to handle paper work. He must see to it that all the papers are signed by those who need to do so. Apart from that, the realtor has the duty to keep these records properly, so that they can be easily retrieved if the need arises in future. Secured record keeping is guaranteed when a realtor is involved in the transaction. There are some properties that are not in the real estate listings in other words such homes are not advertised. Realtors will know about such homes which the buyers can inspect and make choices that suit them.

To forestall future problems with homes for sale, a realtor has the duty of guiding prospective buyers in the choice of property so as to ensure peace of mind and eliminate potential problems. Although, saving a percentage of what a home costs is a good idea however, the problems and the stress associated with such purchase without the expert guidance of a realtor will wipe away such gain.

Learn more about C21 Lady of the Lakes Realtors and the numerous services they offer including: buying a new home, selling a home, or renting a home at  To contact one of our real estate agents call 734-426-6060 today.