Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 126

Planning A Milestone Birthday

As adults we don’t tend to make a big deal about our birthday each and every year however the game changes when it comes when we reach major milestones.  Planning a special event can take a lot of time and planning which is something most of us don’t have extra of when we are reaching the 40, 50, and 60-year marks.  Thankfully this is where event planners come into the picture.


An event planner helps to take your vision and turn it into reality without much more than your input.  It is important to work with a professional in planning larger milestone celebrations to truly take the time to enjoy it rather than stressing about the details weeks.  A party planner takes charge from the inception of the idea until the last guest leaves allowing you to be the social butterfly you want to be when celebrating a major milestone in your life.


Below you will find a short list of some of the things that an event coordinator will take care of for you so that you can sit back and enjoy the event.


Your invitation will set the tone for the entire event and allows you to make a first impression to remember. The part of invitations that is tedious and not fun to deal with however, is the addressing them, sending them out, and responding to R.S.V.P.’s or worse yet those guests who never respond at all.  As an event coordinator it is our responsibility to track down your guests, make sure counts are accurate, and that everyone is knowledgeable of the day’s events.


Since most people don’t specialize in planning for an event, if left to their own accord often end up choosing from themes and colors commonly found at the local party store.  This is not the case when you hire a professional. Just because you are turning 50 and heading “over the hill” as it is often coined doesn’t mean you have to have an event themed around growing older.  Instead we help you to build an event around what makes you unique.  We create the day around you.

Attention Grabbing:

It is important to make sure that guests feel included in the event to ensure that they enjoy themselves and help to create the atmosphere you are looking for in your event. It is our job to grab their attention and guide them towards the theme.  Chilled events with wine and cheese trays are much different than those with themed adult beverages and photo booths with props.  The tone is set by planners who are guided by your direction. It is also important for you as the party’s guest of honor are recognized and readily available to mingle with guests.


No one wants bored party guests. It is important to have things for guests to do as they arrive at the event all the way up until they leave.  Whether it is hiring live entertainment or offering interactive group games via smartphones it is crucial to keep events moving forward.  As a part of the party you don’t want to be worried about if people are having a good time, that is our job.

Presents/Parting Gifts:

Even when invitations specifically say not to bring a gift you can be assured no one will listen. We prepare for the unexpected and make sure that you come prepared as well.  Every detail, down to the partying memory you give guests to take with them is planned for you around your ideas without any actual leg work needing to be done on your part.

Event Planning DC provides full event planning, partial event planning, month-of (day-of) event coordination, event styling/design and decorating services throughout DC, Maryland, and Virginia, with access to local and national vendors who may provide additional services suitable for your event and budget.  We pride ourselves on providing only the highest quality event coordination, giving you and your guests the perfect day, no matter what the occasion including exclusive corporate and non-profit events, weddings, Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, community events and milestone celebrations.  More information can be found online at




Custom Mobile App Development vs Template Designs

A single mobile app concept can literally change the way we operate in the world today. App ideas like Facebook, Uber, and Pinterest are extremely popular today, not because they have been initiated by famous people but rather the innovative approach of these mobile applications that has surprised the technological world.

What is the difference between custom-built apps and template-based apps? In nutshell, an application programmer for mobile devices creates a custom application from scratch, to fit perfectly to your specific needs, by writing the code for each function. And they will create new codes to give your application the unique features that you and your team recognize are appropriate to meet the goals of your own application.

On the other hand, a template-based mobile application is when a designer uses existing models as the basic framework on which to import and “copy-and-paste” their designs. What are the practical disadvantages of template-based applications?

  1. Custom apps are tailored to your specific needs

Template-based applications are limited in terms of functionality, both now and in the future. Basically, what you get with a template is limited to the features that come with it.

However, with a custom built application you can edit, refine and modify according to your needs, where you only pay for “adding” or “remodeling” without having to eliminate everything.

  1. Custom app development is unique and authentic

Unlike Custom-built, application templates are not originally designed to attract many end-users. They, therefore, combine several characteristics recognized by designers to attract a general market instead of adapting to the unique nature and needs of their specific features.

  1. Templates are outdated

Template-based mobile apps are usually based on older code designs because they were developed a long time before you realized them: Therefore, might not conform with the latest running OS on the IOS or Android.

  1. Troubleshooting

Using Android as an example. There are thousands of different Android smart devices. with varying sizes of screens, operating platforms, and manufacturers. Proper coding of an application to run on so many devices is a very complex task, requiring a high level of experience that only the best code developers have. No mobile app template can guarantee the possibility of creating an application compatible with all available Android devices.  Therefore, the average mobile app template normally works properly between 3% and 8% of Android devices. On the contrary.

  1. Templates are not usually optimized for search engines

A major disadvantage of a mobile app designed with a template is that they cannot normally be “SEO” (search engine optimization, also known as “app discovery”). Without proper SEO, search engines do not place the app in the appropriate categories. So, when you look at different categories of applications, you will see that many applications appear that have nothing to do with your searched results, even when you do a search with the app name.

You must evaluate the costs and benefits of each type of application. If you do not understand what is needed it is easy to end up with an app that doesn’t meet your need.  A personalized, custom designed mobile app, with appropriate “SEO”, is one of the best commercial tools and/or marketing investment that any company can achieve. It is an investment that will yield desired results over and over. Whereas a template-based designed app will offer a much lower return on investment.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive  IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at


Buying and Selling a House at the Same Time

The process of buying and selling a home can be very stressful especially if you find yourself in a situation where you are doing both at the same time.  Depending on the housing market in your area it can be tricky for to juggle both process at the same time.  It becomes incredibly important to rely on a reputable, local realtor to facilitate.


In this installment, we will provide valuable tips and recommendations to educate homeowners in the process of achieving what may seem like an impossible task, to sell their current home while purchasing a new dream home.


Understand the Housing Market

Before you jump right in and look to buy and sell a home, you want to be sure that you find out about the housing market. If you are looking to buy a new home in the same market that you currently live it should be slightly easier than if you were leaving the area for whatever reason.


Create a Plan of Action

One of the best ways to ensure that you will be more likely to be successful in buying and selling a house at the same time is to plan. This plan should be as realistic as possible, make all your goals actionable and attainable. There is no sense making a goal that is not achievable, that would be one sure fire way to be unsuccessful. Including a professional real estate company in the process is a must.


Don’t Rely on Timing

When buying and selling at the same time there are so many things that can go wrong and timing may seem right, but it could easily change when the buyer of your home runs into problems during closing. It could also happen to you when you are set to close on purchasing your new home and then something sneaks up and throws a monkey wrench into the works and you are stuck. Sometimes even the best plans can go awry, and you will have to go back to the drawing board to salvage your overall goal.


Align Your Finances

One way to make buying and selling houses simultaneous much less stressful is that if you are able to work with a new lender that is willing to work with you to establish your new mortgage and discuss the possible need for a bridge loan to help with paying both mortgages until you can sell your home. You can also request a contract contingency option which means that your home purchase is contingent on the sale of your home. This may or may not be a viable option in all circumstances.


Don’t Let Fear Make Your Decision

When it comes trying to buy a new home and sell your existing home at the same time it can be a bit unnerving. The likelihood that you could be stuck carrying two mortgages for a brief or not so brief amount of time is fairly high. However, you must at all cost not allow yourself to let the fear of not being able to afford the two mortgages at the same time to make a bad decision that could end up costing you a lot of extra money.

C21 Lady of the Lakes is a full-service realtor serving Livingston County and the surrounding areas with all their real estate needs.  More information can be found at


Predictive Maintenance: A Strong Strategy for The Longevity of LINAC Systems

If you are responsible for the operation of the linear accelerator equipment at your facility than you already know that to keep the machine running as accurately as possible it has to be maintained properly. Whether you are talking about some scheduled outage so that you can run all the necessary tests, do diagnostic and replace parts that have shown that they are in need of replacement before they go out.


Establishing a good Predictive Maintenance Schedule


One of the best ways to ensure that your Linear Accelerator equipment will be ready to go if it is necessary to be used for treating a patient. One of the ways to ensure that your equipment is running properly is to be sure that all the linear accelerator components are running correctly. Having a good maintenance schedule requires you to have linear accelerator replacements parts to be able to complete certain types of maintenance.


Benefits of Predictive Maintenance


Dramatically reduce equipment downtime – By being able to identify potential problems before they rise to the level of affecting the proper operation of the linear accelerator equipment. This makes it highly likely that your machine will be available when the need arises for the machine. This also means that you can make plans to have specific linear accelerator replacements parts on hand when they would be needed to be replaced.


Diagnostic equipment is considerably cheaper – The latest technology being used in today’s diagnostic equipment and the software that they use to run are cheaper to acquire and this makes them considerably cheaper to use.  When you have the right equipment to do the job, you are far more likely to be able to keep your equipment running properly.


It can be used effectively for any size company – The linear accelerator equipment typically uses sensors that make it possible to check the proper operation of the machine. However, this does not offer real-time data, so it is not the most effective method. This is where the diagnostic equipment used in predictive maintenance is far more effective. This makes it possible for more companies to be able to use predictive maintenance, even if they are a smaller size company.


Real-time data makes catching potential problems much more likely – When it comes to detecting potential issues having real-time data is the best way to. This is one of biggest advantages to having the diagnostic equipment in the hands of your maintenance personnel to be able to schedule them to proactively check all the components of the machine to ensure that they are working properly.


It is the most proactive form of equipment maintenance – There are three distinct forms of equipment maintenance that a company can use to keep its equipment running and reducing downtime. The three types of maintenance are reactive, preventative and proactive maintenance. Each one has its own set of advantages and disadvantages when it comes to which one is the better however when patient care is the most important factor, as it in the treatment of cancer, predictive maintenance allows planned downtime instead of emergent care.


As an independent LINAC service company, Acceletronics is dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and services for linear accelerators and CT scanners across all major brands and models, as well as new and refurbished LINAC systems for sale.  More information can be found online at


How Simple Chimney Maintenance Improves Its Lifespan

The chimney or fireplace is a beautiful and important part of the home. However, this part of the house can be potentially dangerous if it is not properly cleaned and maintained. Hiring a professional chimney repair contractor can keep your family safe and improve the lifespan of your fireplace. Chimney repair and maintenance contractors can visit your home regularly for routine maintenance and repairs.

Chimney Hazards

As easy as simple chimney maintenance can be, it can save you a lot of potential chimney hazards. One common problem of traditional chimneys is the accumulation of creosote. Creosote is a substance produced by burning coal and wood in fireplaces and is highly flammable. This substance is usually dark brown in appearance and can appear tar-like and sticky, dry and flaky, or shine and hard depending on the type of fuel you burn and the rate of condensation inside your chimney.

Dangerous chimney fire if you allow creosote to build up inside your chimney. These can be slow-burning fires that cause severe damages to the internal structures of your chimney. A popular sign of creosote buildup and slow-burning fires is low rumbling sound. This issue, if not immediately attended to, can escalate into explosive fires that your neighbors will see and hear.

In fact, modern chimneys that do not use either wood or coal for fuel have their own shortcomings too. They can become rust, corroded or wear away. These natural deteriorations can still have a dangerous effect on your house.

Likewise, old chimneys made of bricks and stones also require rebuilding or reinforcement. Remember that brinks can become weak over time and may crumble during earthquakes or erosion. All these effects can reduce the effectiveness of your chimney and ultimately shorten its lifespan.

Preventing Chimney Problems

A simple chimney maintenance and instant repair of structural problems as soon as they start developing are two key ways of preventing chimney fires and improving chimneys lifespan. Chimney cleaning is not as easy as you might think. You need some gadget and equipment to effectively clean a chimney. Therefore, you require the assistance of chimney repair contractor to keep every part of your chimney in a good shape.

Usually, the companies that offer chimney cleaning services also offer chimney repair services. Therefore, in case your chimney needs to be repaired, the contractor will also handle the process for you. Furthermore, chimney inspection comes in three levels.

  • Level 1 chimney cleaning is for standard annual inspections
  • Level 2 chimney cleaning is for more in-depth inspections of the chimney and the rooms closer to it.
  • Level 3 chimney cleaning is for thorough inspection when level 1 or 2 has revealed a possible problem with your chimney. A simple chimney cleaning can reveal the areas that need repair and the types of repair that are needed.

Finding Professional Cleaners

If you have a chimney, you need the services of a chimney repair contractor to inspect your chimney, perform simple cleaning, and make necessary repairs. This will prevent your home from any potential hazard and likewise improve the overall lifespan of the chimney. When was the last time you cleaned your chimney? Do you need a chimney cleaning contractor right now? Contact us today!

Learn more about Kearns Brothers, a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all Southeast Michigan’s construction needs by visiting their website at or contact a remodeling expert at 888.355.6700.


What Is Medigap Insurance and Why is It Useful?

Medicare is a good basic health coverage program for the elderly, which helps eliminate some of the high cost of medical care. However, while Medicare covers a lot of the health care costs it does not cover all the costs which is where the Medigap insurance comes in.

What is Medigap Insurance?

Medigap insurance is insurance you buy from a private insurance company that is licensed to carry this type of insurance. Like other types of insurance, you pay monthly premiums to the insurance company for this additional insurance.

In order to get Medigap insurance you must have both Medicare part A and part B but cannot have a Medicare Advantage policy or have a Medicare Medical Savings Account Plan. Your Medigap insurance premium must be paid in addition to the premium you pay for your Medicare part B. In addition, Medigap insurance only covers one person, so if both you and your spouse have Medicare and want Medigap insurance, you both must carry a policy, and both have to pay premiums for the coverage.

Why Is Medigap Insurance Useful?

Medicare pays 80% of your medical bills after you have paid the Medicare part B deductible. That means 20% of your medical bills need to be paid by you. Medigap insurance helps cover the other 20% of the health care costs that is not covered by your Medicare insurance including those co-pays and deductibles and health care you receive when you are visiting outside the United States.

There are some things that Medigap insurance won’t cover including:

  • Prescription Medication- (since 2006)
  • Vision care
  • Dental care
  • Hearing aids
  • Eye glasses
  • Private Duty Nursing care

Medigap Insurance is Renewed Even if Your Health Deteriorates

As long as you continue to pay your Medigap insurance on time every month, your Medigap insurance can’t be denied even if your health deteriorates and your medical bills rise. This gives you a feeling of security when seeking health care.

Additional Information Regarding Medigap Insurance

There is some additional information regarding Medigap insurance you should be aware of if you are considering getting a Medigap insurance policy. Any Insurance company that sells you a Medigap insurance policy must clearly identify the policy as Medicare supplement insurance.

There are several Medigap insurance policies available and all Medigap insurance policies must offer the same basic benefits, but some policies offer additional benefits along with the basic benefits.

In addition, any insurance company that sells Medigap insurance must offer Plan A and either Plan C or plan F. However, they do have to offer every Medigap plan that is available, so you need to learn about the various plans so that you choose the plan that is right for needs.

Medigap insurance can help you offset the rising costs of medical care as you grow older. While you do have to pay monthly premiums for your Medigap insurance the cost of these premiums may be offset by the amount of money you save in medical bills. Only you can decide if Medigap insurance is right for and which policy will best meet your needs.


Learn more about Medigap plans and rates at  Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949!

History of the American Medicare Program

Teddy Roosevelt who ran for president in 1912, began talks regarding a national health care program for all Americans to help defer the rising costs of American health care. However, it wasn’t until 1945 that President Truman sent a message to congress asking them to come up with a National Health care fund open to all Americans. Truman’s vision was for National health care plan allowed for Americans to get health care coverage for doctor visits, hospital stays, Laboratory stays and dental care. He campaigned tirelessly to make National health care a reality, but his efforts were destined for failure.

It wasn’t until 20 years later in 1965 under President Johnson that a National Health care program was actually signed into law. However, this health care program wasn’t for all Americans it was limited to only those people over the age of 65.

As of 2017 58.5 million Americans receive Medicare insurance and Medicare covers about 20% of the total amount of monies spent on health care in the United States.

Over the years there have been many changes to Medicare program one of the most notable was that in 1972 Medicare insurance was expanded to cover individuals under the age 65 allowing many more Americans to take advantage of this National health care program.

However, while Medicare cuts down on Medical expenses for millions of Americans it is not free. This program or part B of the plan calls for the paying of premiums for medical care as well as requiring people to have a deductible and to co-pay for certain services.

In the 1980’s Medicare Supplemental Insurance (Medigap) was introduced helping to cover some of the expenses that Medicare does not cover. While the Medicare Supplement Insurance is not part of Medicare and does require people to carry a Medigap policy issued by licensed insurance carriers to which policy holders need to pay monthly premiums it does help defer some of the medical costs not covered by Medicare including paying some of those deductibles and co-pays making medical care even more affordable for older individuals.

Improvements or changes in the Medicare program and Medicare supplement insurance are sure to continue.

Medicare Plans

There are several different Medicare plans, but the three plans most people are familiar with are:

  • Plan A- Under Medicare Plan A Medicare pays for hospital stays, doctor services and procedures. The procedures under this plan may include certain diagnostic test needed to determine your medical problems as well as certain surgeries. Plan A also covers Hospice care and Home health care needs.
  • Plan B- Plan B covers such things as check-ups and screenings, supplies necessary for a given medical condition, ambulance services and mental health care. You may have to pay a 20% co-payment for some of these services.
  • Plan D- covers prescription drugs. The drugs covered under this plan are prescription drugs are FDA approved and used to treat a certain condition.

Although Medicare and its supplement insurance programs don’t fulfill the dream of President Truman to have a National Health care program for all Americans it does provide good basic health care for millions of Americans each year.

Learn more about Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medicare coverage toll free 877-202-9248 today!




Aluminum Pool Fencing Brings Safety to Your Swimming Pool

Fencing isn’t all the same, especially when it comes to what is installed around a pool.  Wooden picket fences are much different than aluminum fencing or other options and much less durable.  Since there are many children drowning in pools each year, we want to make sure that you can keep your family as safe as possible, while still being able to enjoy having a pool right in your backyard.

The way that you can keep your family safe is by installing an aluminum pool fence around your swimming pool.  Our aluminum pool fences meet the strictest safety codes, which means that no one is going to get past the fence and into the pool without you knowing about it.  Our aluminum pool fencing comes with self-latching and self-locking aluminum gates.

Aluminum pool fences should always be at least forty-eight inches tall and there should be less than four inches between the bottom rail and the ground, as well as less than four inches between each of the aluminum pickets.  You will also want to ensure that there isn’t a middle rail between the top and the bottom rail as it can lead to children using it to get leverage and climb over the fence.

When it comes to aluminum pool gates, they should always be installed so that they swing open away from the pool.  The latch for the aluminum pool gates should never be below fifty-four inches either, as anything lower than that height can be opened by curious children.

We urge you to choose an aluminum pool gate that automatically closes and latches after it has been opened, so that it never gets left open by accident.  This can prevent numerous accidents from happening, especially if everyone is leaving the pool area and a child is the last one out.  If they didn’t close the gate all the way, and it doesn’t have this self-closing and latching feature, someone can easily wander back out and into the pool without you noticing.

Now, all these safety features and requirements will not keep you from choosing the aluminum pool fencing that you want, because you can still choose from different styles and colors.  That means that you can enjoy the look of your aluminum pool fence and aluminum pool gates, while benefiting from the safety that they provide.

If you don’t have fence around your pool now, we urge you to get one immediately.  You won’t regret your decision, especially since your family and anyone else that goes near your pool will be safe.

iFenceUSA is an online manufacturer and distributor of wholesale aluminum fencing. With over 18 styles of aluminum fence panels and gates to choose from, we have aluminum fences that will meet your wants and need.  Choose from custom aluminum fencing options including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing all at  For more information contact one of our aluminum fence experts toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at

How Combining Professional Website Design and SEO Can Boost Your Online Business

When an online business launches a new website, careful consideration goes into their online image including the websites design and usability. Websites should be designed in a manner that allows visitors easy access to answers they are seeking. However, all of that is wasted if customers never visit a business’s website in the first place.

Search engine optimization, SEO is one part of a company’s marketing mix that helps to create a strong foundation for your company’s content strategy. On page content that is featured prominently in organic searches that beats out the competition for customer attention is just one goal. Good SEO design begins with the websites layout. Whether your business is currently designing your website or not, it’s important to ensure it’s getting the best search results possible.


SEO encompasses a series of activities that makes your website rank higher on various search engines. These activities include executing an SEO strategy, choosing to focus on long-tail keywords for website pages, and constantly generating new content on a blog. Search engines frequently update their search algorithm, which can be a problem for marketers and web designers. If you are running your own SEO strategy, you’ll need to monitor the changes and adjust accordingly.

Professional Website Design

Web design is the process of creating a website. This includes, layout design, graphics design, navigation, metadata, responsiveness to different resolutions, and content production. Web design also involves ensuring the website is programmed correctly and optimizing the speed. A professional website design communicates your brand messaging to the world, tells the story of your company, describes your services and products and can even sell directly online.

Combining both boost your online business, below are some aspect of SEO and website design that boost your online business.


Navigation involves SEO and web design principles. The easier it is to navigate your site and find the information needed, the longer a visitor will stay on your site. A longer session leads to better SEO rankings. If customers cannot find what they’re looking for easily, they will abandon the site, and this affects your SEO ranking negatively. You can design an easily navigable site by using descriptive URLs, giving readers directions to find certain materials, and limiting the number of drop downs and sub-drop downs in your menus.


Engagement on a web page depends on two things: the design and the content. To enhance the engagement on a page, you want the design to be pleasing to a reader’s eye because people make quick conclusions about a website based on appearance. Following the appearance is your content which is also a vital way of keeping a visitor on your site. Your homepage content should hook the visitor and make him want to read on. Content fall under both SEO and web design as content will help your SEO ranking and determine if a visitor stays on your page.


It is easy to focus on the visual appeal and website content over the mechanics behind how your website functions. This however often leads to a slower than average site that is bloated with useless information. If the website is slow upon loading people will abandon their effort. Many elements can come into play that can lead to a slow site; website elements including plugins, sharing buttons, and JavaScript that has not been optimized. All these are consequences of a poor website design. Search engines incorporate a variety of metrics into the algorithms they use to determine which sites are the most useful to users and therefore deserve higher organic rankings. This can include the use of keywords and long tailed keyword phrases, site links, and individual page load times. If your site loads too slow, search engines will favor other sites over it.

In conclusion, when SEO and a Professional web design come together, the result is a user-friendly, informative, and easy to find website that will maximize your sales.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts, call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

Removal and Disposal of Medical Equipment

Technology is continuously changing and what was a brand-new machine last year, might be three models behind three hundred and sixty-five days later.  That means that it is not uncommon for hospitals and medical practices to remove and dispose of their medical equipment on a regular basis.  After all, they all want to offer the latest technological advances to their patients.

One of the first things that needs to be completed for linear accelerator removal, CT scanner disposal, or getting rid of any other medical equipment is to remove any of the personal patient information that may be stored on it.  This needs to be completed to meet HIPAA regulations and guidelines, but also to ensure that no patient will have their information getting into the wrong hands.

Some older equipment can always have the information removed and then the equipment can be sold to medical businesses who are looking to upgrade their equipment without spending a lot of money.  This is a great way for businesses to get some money for their CT scanner or linear accelerator removal and put it towards their future purchase.

Of course, it is not always possible to sell older medical equipment, and in those instances, it is best to send the equipment for recycling.  This will ensure that all these medical devices are not filling up landfills, plus some of the parts may be able to be used to repair broken down equipment.

Medical facilities will want to make sure that they are following all the federal guidelines, as well as their state guidelines for their linear accelerator removal and CT scanner disposal.  If they don’t, they will find that they are responsible for paying fines and fees that can be tens of thousands of dollars.

Every medical facility will have their own guidelines that they want to follow as well, which means that the removal and disposal of medical equipment is never going to always be the same.  Some facilities may try to sell their old medical equipment prior to purchasing new equipment, while others will have a new piece of equipment ready to be installed prior to removing the older version.

Medical facilities cannot face any down time with their equipment, because their patients would needlessly suffer.  That is why many places have detailed plans in place, so that they are ready when they are facing a linear accelerator removal or CT scanner disposal.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.