Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 123

Measuring Your Yard for Fencing

One of the most critical steps when you are a DIY homeowner is to measure and then measure again. Ordering and installing an aluminum fence is no different.  It is critical to properly measure the area and dimensions of your property looking for possible obstacles that could occur when installing your fence.  Measuring the perimeter of the yard is also important to ensure that you have proper amount of fencing materials when the time comes to actually install the new fence.

In order to properly measure your yard and landscape to add a perimeter fence to your yard there are several steps professional fence installers use including:

Sketch out your home as well as the yard:

  • Drawing out the space will offer you a visual to guide you as you are surveying and measuring the space. It will allow you to include the measurements in the exact location of where they will be needed.  This also allows you to add obstacles to the sketch as seen.

Mark out property lines:

  • One of the initial steps in measuring your yard for the installation of a new fence. Staking out your property line allows you to visually see the yard’s boundaries.

Decide the placement of your fence:

  • During this step you will be able to decide whether you are looking into installing aluminum fence panels that are 4’, 6’, or 8’. It also allows you to layout a space that maximizes your yard space.  Remember that some HOAs may actually require the installation of the fence to be off the property line and not directly on it.  It is crucial to understand and abide by these regulations otherwise you could end up wasting both time and money with a fence that needs to be moved.

Measure from post to post:

  • Once the fence is staked out and you have approval on its placement you can start the process of measuring it out. Using a measuring wheel can be beneficial during this process or a 100-foot measuring tape.  This will allow you to calculate how much fence is needed when you get ready to get a fence quote.
Mark obstructions and elevation changes:
  • Once the initial measurements are taken it is important walk along the fence line and make note of any obstructions or changes in elevation. Obstructions can be anything from utility boxes, boulders, trees, or outdoor structures.  Changes in elevation can be small and easily adjusted for or you may need to consider stacked or rackable fencing.
Plan for your aluminum gate:
  • One of the final steps in measuring out your fence is to plan out where you would like your gates to be installed.  Would you like to install a single or double gate, would you like a gate in place that is big enough for a vehicle to enter the space?


iFenceUSA is an online distributor of wholesale aluminum fences and gates for residential, resort, commercial, and industrial installation.  As an industry leader in maintenance-free aluminum fencing products we have all your aluminum fence and gate needs covered.  More information can be found online at

How Your Homes Roof Impacts Its Value

Not only does the look of your homes shingle roof affect its overall curb appeal it affects the overall value of your home as well.  This is just one of the many reasons that professional roofing contractors tell homeowners to forget cheap materials and haphazard DIY installation.  When it comes to your homes roof never settled for mediocre.  Your roof has a high return on investment even years after installation if installed properly and with quality materials.

The concept of do-it-yourself home repairs is a popular way that most homeowners try to save money.  When it comes to your roof, DIY is not an option.  Roofing contractors are professionals with the skills and tools to ensure that your roof is installed properly and that the warranty on the roofing materials are guaranteed.

No matter what materials are used to shingle your roof, if the process is done incorrectly even the smallest of mistakes could lead to catastrophe for homeowners.  If shingling is not installed properly it can easily become detached from the base of the roof during high winds and extreme weather.  Once a shingle is damaged rain, snow, and ice are allowed to penetrate your roofs based and enter your home.

Every homeowner wants a bargain during renovations and having a roof installed is no different.  Everyone loves a good deal.  Roofing your home is costly and the allure of cheap roofing services may tempt you.  Consumers fall for fly-by-night roof repair all the time especially after severe weather when homeowners are not only looking for inexpensive but also quick.

When it comes to work done on your home it is important to always work with a team of professional, reputable, well established professionals.  You get what you pay for is surely true in all elements of construction.  It is easier than ever to find out information about the companies you are hiring with access to online tools such as Google review, Houzz, or Angie’s list.  If a contractor can’t give you local references and the people within your trusted circle have never heard of them or their services than it may be time to continue looking for a professional to trust your roof to.

Not only is a viable roofing company one that offers new roof installation but also maintenance and repairs.  No matter how reputable and consciences your roofing contractor is, extreme weather can cause shingles or flashing to be replaced.  With regular maintenance and yearly inspections, you can avoid major (expensive) issues down the road.  Affordable fixes can be done by professional roofers while performing regular roof maintenance and inspections.

Homeowners will be rewarded with a beautiful, long-lasting shingle roof with just a little bit of added effort and due diligence when hiring a roofing contractor.

Home Pro Roofing of Michigan offers professional roofing services including new roof installation and roof repair services using shingling and metal roofing materials.  The roofing contractors of Home Pro Roofing service Kalamazoo, Brighton, Lansing, and the surrounding areas.  More information can be found online at

The Most Important Repairs to Make Before Selling Your Home

Maintenance, maintenance, maintenance… I can’t stress the importance that keeping up with your home’s maintenance, repairs, and overall general well being can make when it comes time to sell.

For many buyers it is important to get into a home without having to do a ton of repairs to make it inhabitable.  It is also not on many buyers’ agendas to make an offer on a home only to determine upon inspection that there are issues that they just don’t want to deal with.  With a little bit of preparation before you place your home for sale, along with regular maintenance and consistent updates while you are actively living in the space your home should be buyer ready when you decide it is time to sell.

Listed below are just a few of the areas to pay special attention to as they are high on the list of priorities that buyers are looking at when buying a new home.

Kitchen & Bath Renovations and Updates:

  • These two spaces have the potential to make or break the sale of a house.  They also employ the most technical mechanics of the house from appliances, to plumbing and electricity, there is a lot that can go wrong.  If not kept up on kitchen and bathroom spaces can easily fall into despair.
    • Kitchen Appliances: Although it can be beneficial to have updated, energy efficient appliances when selling your home, the most important aspect is that they are all in solid working condition.  Maintenance is key in keeping appliances running properly.
    • Cabinets: Cabinets are an essential visual and functional element in both the bathroom and kitchen.  Not only should cabinets be free of damage and in good working order, new hardware never hurts to modernize a slightly older space.
    • Faucets, Sinks, Showers & Tubs: Not only are aesthetics important so is the functionality of drains and faucets. The drains within sinks, showers, and tubs should all drain properly, free and clear of any problems.  Overflow drains should also be in proper working order.  The hot and cold faucets should be properly installed.  (Believe it or not many homes I have remodeled have the hot and cold feature set up backwards) Exhaust vents should be working and clear of debris. Check all surfaces for cracks, chips, and peeling.  Homes that undergo routine maintenance should have addressed all of the above issues as problems arose.

Walls & Ceilings:

    • As part of regular maintenance homeowners should take care to repair nail holes, dings, and dents that occur. If discoloration is seen on the ceiling this will instantly turn off a buyer.  Damage from water should be repaired and brought back up to par aesthetically before placing a home for sale.  All water damage and repairs should be properly documented to give future homeowners a record if asked upon inspection how the problem was solved.


  • Flooring does not need to be replace before selling a home. What is important however is that it is clean and in good condition.  Chips and cracked tiles have been replaced, carpet has been cleaned, and hardwood refinished if scratches and dents are an issue.


  • The heating and cooling systems in the home should be in working order with updated filtration installed. Thermostats should work properly or be replaced.  Hiring an HVAC tech to complete a tune up can be a bonus to ensure everything is in proper order and can be used to market your home.
Electrical Panels and Circuit Breakers:
  • Take time to have the electrical panels in your home meet current codes. This is a perfect time to have the electrical in your home inspected by a professional.  This documentation can be given to your realtor to use as added bonuses that prove maintenance on a home has been done.  This looks really good in the eyes of a buyer even if there is a hiccup somewhere else in the home.

C21 Lady of the Lakes is a full-service realtor serving Livingston County and the surrounding areas with all their real estate needs.  More information can be found at

Treatment with Radiation Therapy

What is radiation therapy?

There are a number of options to treat cancer, radiation therapy is just one of them.  There are a number of ways in which radiation can be delivered.  The method that is used to treat your individual type of cancer is dependent solely on the nature of your cancer.  External beam therapy delivers radiation directly to the tumor through a machine known as a linear accelerator, from outside your body.

How does it work?

Radiation treatment targets cancer cells during treatment however this does not mean that the healthy cells around the area won’t be affected by treatment.  Thankfully, radiation treatment has the greatest affect on the cancerous cells.  Treatment using a LINAC system delivers the highest amount of radiation treatment that can be safely given, to the cancerous area.  This treatment is aimed at killing cancer cells.  Sometimes smaller doses of radiation are given.  This is usually the case where doctors are hoping to shrink the tumor and offer relief to the patient vs attempting to “cure” the patient.

Who takes care of the patient?

A doctor that specializes in cancer is referred to as a radiotherapist or radiation oncologist.  They are in charge of planning and overseeing treatment that will be administer by a radiation therapist.  A number of specialists will be involved in treating your cancer including: nurses, specialists, counselors, health care aids, and dietitians, depending on your unique needs.

Where is the treatment received?

Treatment and delivery are designed with each unique patient in mind.  Treatment is performed in a hospital or clinic and is done in a manner that is suited to the persons receiving its particular needs.  A preliminary visit is scheduled in order to plan out your treatment plan.  The radiation oncologist and therapists will do this.  Using a simulator, x-rays, and scans skin is marked using different colored pens that help define the placement of treatment.  Permanent marks can be made using a special dye or tiny pin prick if needed.

Each of these marks allows the therapists administering radiation to ascertain the exact area that needs to be treated during each and every treatment session.  If you are using a head shell, the guidance marks will be added to the shell rather than to your skin.  Radiation treatment can also be delivered to the mouth and throat area.  If this is the case a dental assessment will be done, along with necessary dental treatments and then radiation therapy can begin.

As an independent LINAC service company, Acceletronics is dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and services for linear accelerators and CT scanners across all major brands and models, as well as new and refurbished LINAC systems for sale.  More information can be found online at

What Every Senior Needs to Know About Medigap Prescription Drug Coverage

Up until 2006, many Medigap plans included prescription drug coverage.  This is no longer the case.  Today if you would like prescription drug coverage you must enroll in Medigap Part D, prescription drug coverage.

Medigap Part D provides individuals with prescription drug coverage.  In order to enroll in Medigap Part D you must be a participant in Medicare Part A and Part B.  Medicare Supplemental Insurance Part D coverage can be purchased by any private insurance company that is authorized by Medicare.

Why do you need Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan D, prescription drug coverage?

  • Medicare Part B includes limited outpatient prescription drug coverage. It doesn’t cover most of the drugs that you need to get at the pharmacy.  Drugs that are needed as part of a daily regimen for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure require Medigap Part D to be covered.
  • Even if you do not use prescription drugs right now, you will have to decide about Medigap Part D. It not only lowers your drug costs today but provides you will essential protection against high costs in the future or being denied coverage at a later date.
  • If participants don’t join Medigap drug coverage when first eligible but decide the need it at a later date they can be required to pay a late penalty (depending on the circumstance) and/or have to pay increased monthly premiums.

How do participants go about enrolling in Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage, Medigap Part D?

In order to enroll in Medigap Part D you must already be enrolled in Original Medicare, Part A and Part B.  Participants must also live in the service area of the plan that provides prescription drug coverage.

Things you should know before joining Medigap, Medicare Supplemental Insurance Part D.

  • In addition to the premium that is paid with Medicare Part A and Part B, participants must pay for Part D. Some enrollees qualify for financial aid.
  • Consider all of your options for drug coverage before making a decision. Prescription drugs coverage varies a great deal in the drugs that are covered, how much you will pay, and what pharmacies you can use.
  • You may not be able to make changes to your plans for a year so choose carefully when you sign up.
  • Understand that the drug plan you have today may change from year to year. It may not cover the same prescriptions from year to year.

The experts at eMedigap Plans, powered by Omega, have all the answers you are looking for when it comes to your Medigap Supplemental Insurance needs.  More information can be found at

Motivations in Home Improvement

It doesn’t matter if you have lived in your current home for 15 years or just purchased your first home, a fixer-upper, there is a great chance that some home improvement projects are in your future.  From small renovations such as the installation of a new front door or something major like a complete kitchen remodel you will most likely turn to a company that specializes in home construction.

Updates can be something as simple as changing the way a room looks or updating the function a space serves or as grand as a adding an addition or modification to an existing room that is not being properly utilized.  The reasons for renovations to your home vary a great deal, the one thing that doesn’t is the need to ensure you and your family are prepared for the renovations.

Remodeling: Know Why

It is important to understand why you are taking on any renovation project before getting started.  If you are adding an addition or gutting your kitchen in favor of a newly designed space, it is crucial to know why you are doing it.  Does the plumbing and electricity need to be updated?  Do you need a space that is more practical or a more usable floor plan? Are you just bored? No matter why it is important to get a hold of the motivation for the project as it will better help you to budget and prioritize.


It doesn’t matter if you have a new construction home or a historical home, maintenance is required to ensure that the everything needed to keep the home up and running is working smoothly.  Homes that are over a decade old must have regular inspections on electrical, plumbing, and structural elements in order to keep your home safe for your family.

Renovations driven based solely by maintenance will often mean that the budget for the renovation will mostly go towards hiring professional licensed contractor specializing in services like plumbing and electrical.  More often than not this type of work will require permits and inspections.


The plumbing and electrical in the home may be up to date however, the rooms may not function as you need them too or may just be an eyesore.  Plenty of times renovation are done just to bring a space up to date.  If this is the reason for renovations you will see a difference in your budget allocation as more of your budget will go to design elements, state of the art appliances, and trending home improvement materials.

Improving Efficiency

Other renovations are done just to improve the efficiency of the home. New windows, doors, siding, chimney updates, and insulation are all renovations that are completed to shrink energy waste and decrease their utility bills.  Other renovations may include new thermostats and solar panels.

As a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all Southeast Michigan, Kearns Brothers, Inc. offers clients a wide range of services to meet their construction needs including: roofing, siding, window, masonry, chimneys, gutters, and insulation services.  More information can be found at


Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans: Read This Before Enrolling in Medicare Coverage

What is Medicare Supplemental Insurance, Medigap?

Once you have enrolled in both parts of Original Medicare, Part A and B, you will be eligible to purchase insurance that supplements your health insurance coverage that fills insurance gaps left by Part A and Part B.  The supplemental insurance plans are known as Medigap or Medicare Supplemental Insurance.

Why do you need Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans?

There are a couple of reasons you may need to purchase Medigap including filling in the gaps left from what Medicare Part A and Part B don’t cover and for assistance with costs that are not covered by Medicare.

How does Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans work?

There are ten different supplemental plans that are regulated by Medicare and our federal government.  Medigap plans are labeled Plan A through Plan N alphabetically.  Only certain plans are available depending on where you live in the United States.  The plans are all standardized and offer the same benefits no matter where they are purchased, meaning Plan A in Michigan offers the same coverage as Plan A in Texas.  There are changes however in the premiums paid and the insurance companies that are permitted to sell them.

Things you should know about Medicare Supplemental Insurance:

Qualify:  If you are over 65 years of age, are enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B, are 6 months from the first day of the month you apply for Medigap your acceptance in Medigap is guaranteed.  If you enroll in Medigap during this period, open enrollment, of time then there is no need to have a medical examination to obtain coverage.

Coverage: Original Medicare Part A, Part B, and Medigap coverage applies to only one person.  Your spouse will need to have their own policy, separate from yours.

Purchase: Medigap participants may purchase plans from any private insurance company that is licensed in your state.

Payment: The monthly premium that you pay for Medigap is paid directly to the private insurance company.  The payment is in addition to any premium that you are required to pay for Medicare part B.  The payment for Medicare part B is paid directly to Medicare.

Not Covered: There are certain things that Medigap doesn’t cover such as: long-term care, vision, dental care, hearing aids, eyeglasses, or private-duty nursing.

Return Policy: You have the right to cancel your Medigap insurance policy without penalty within 30 days of purchase.

Renewable Plans:  Medigap insurance policies are guaranteed even if you have health problems during the period in which you were covered.  This means insurance companies are not able to terminate your Medigap policy as long as you continue to make the monthly payment for the premium.

Preventative Maintenance:  Medicare pays for the entire proposed medical service if it is deemed it will help avoid future health issues.  If the doctor you are seeing accepts the amount that Medicare approves for the service, you will not have to pay a penny for the preventive services.

Prescription Drug Coverage:  Up until 2006 many Medigap plans covered prescriptions however, as of January 1, 2006 Medigap plans are no longer allowed to offer prescription drug coverage.  If you want prescription drug coverage you will need to purchase Medigap Part D, which offers this coverage at an additional premium.

The experts at eMedicare Supplemental Insurance, powered by Omega, have all the answers you are looking for when it comes to your Medicare Supplemental Insurance needs.  More information can be found at

How Do I Know If I Need A Water Softener?

Are you experiencing any of the following?

Dry skin?

Yellowing clothes?

Stained bathtubs?

Non-stop issue with plumbing?

Spotted dishes?

Scale build up?

The above is commonly caused by the hard water in your home.  The good news is that each and every problem you are experiencing with your homes hard water can be fixed by having the correct water treatment system installed.  In order to determine what option is best for your homes water an analysis will need to be run to determine what type of hard water your home has.  From whole house iron water filters, reverse osmosis systems, and water softeners there is a solution for your problematic water.

Water softeners are the most commonly used appliance to assist homeowners in the removal of hard water and the issues it presents.  Not only does hard water have an effect on your skin and hair it can wreak havoc to the plumbing throughout your home which can become quite costly to repair.

As mentioned above, each and every household’s water contains more than just water.  The quality of water differs from each home and where your water source is delivered from: a private well, a city source, or private municipality.  All water contains minerals, which ones your water has will determine the level of hardness in your water. Calcium and magnesium are commonly found in water.  If a water softener is installed in your home, it will remove the hard minerals through a process of ion exchange.  This will make it easier to keep your home cleaner, your skin and hair healthier, and prolong your plumbing and household appliances.

What Happens During the Ion Exchange?

Water softeners remove minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese, replacing them with sodium ions through a process known as an ion exchange.  Ions carry a positive or negative charge due to an imbalance of electrons and protons.

The hard minerals are trapped by resin beads or zeolite crystals during the exchange.  Resin and zeolite are negatively charged and has space that holds on to positive ions.  The weaker sodium ions are held onto as the hard water passes through the water softener tank.  The calcium and magnesium minerals are stronger and pulled to the media as a type of magnet.  With the hard minerals having a higher positive charge than sodium they know them off and take over their place.  The hard minerals will stay trapped in the tank and the water with a little sodium will be dispersed for use as the homes water supply.

The experts at Reynolds Water Conditioning have a solution to your homes unique water quality needs including: arsenic, bacteria, chlorine, rotten egg smell, fluoride, hard water, iron, lead, acid, tannins, radon, and more.  More information on our water treatment solutions including water softeners and conditioners, water filtration and purification, reverse osmosis drinking water, and iron & odor removal can be found online at


External Radiotherapy: Beating Cancer with Radiation

One of the most popular options in treating cancerous tumors is with the use of external radiotherapy.  There are several types of external radiotherapy options for doctors to choose from when treating each unique patient needs with the overall principal of the therapy being the same.  Radiation is delivered to the source of the cancer using a high-powered beam.

Linear accelerators are one type of machine that can deliver radiation to the source without causing severe damage to the healthy tissues surrounding the area. External radiotherapy is used to destroy cancerous cells and is administer by LINAC systems that deliver high energy x-ray beams known as photon beams.  Other systems deliver radiotherapy through particle beams, such as protons and electrons.  The principle is similar in both as the beam of radiation is aimed at an internal cancer source as treatment.

The DNA in cancerous cells is damaged through external radiotherapy.  DNA is either damaged directly or through particles called free radicals that damage them. This keeps the cancerous cells from growing or kills.  When the cells die they are broken down by the body and removed as waste.  Normal healthy cells surrounding the cancerous tumor are damaged slightly however they can usually repair themselves over time.

Treatment is not started until you have spoken to your doctor about possible short- and long-term side effects.  Most often side effects can be controlled with medication and are temporary.  The treatment is planned based off of the images that have been taken of the cancer via x-ray, CT scans, MRI’s, and/or PET scans.  The plan will ensure a higher dose of treatment to the cancerous tumor.  Treatment is given in the radiotherapy department of the hospital.  Machines in the radiotherapy department such as linear accelerators, are very big and can be a bit scary.

LINAC machines use electricity to create the beams of radiation that are delivered to the cancer.  During treatment the machine never actually touches you and nothing is felt during treatment.  There may be some side effects of discomfort and pain that can be managed with medication.  For the treatment to work well, the radiotherapy needs to cover all of the cancer and the border around it using the lowest dose possible to reduce any side effects.

When choosing the treatment that you will need your radiotherapy doctor will consider the following:

  • The type of cancer you have
  • The position of the cancer within your body
  • Treatments that you have had in the past, are currently having, and that are planned
  • Your general wellness, health, and fitness levels

Your external radiotherapy treatment is individualized to each and every patient.

The entire course of treatment can last anywhere between one to six weeks but can be longer.  This is determined by your doctor and how well you are responding to treatment.  The treatment that is put in place will be based on a personal routine that you can easily follow.

As an independent LINAC service company, Acceletronics is dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and services for linear accelerators and CT scanners across all major brands and models, as well as new and refurbished LINAC systems for sale.  More information can be found online at


Considerations When Buying Aluminum Fencing Online

The convenience of shopping online has left many of us wondering why we ever subjected ourselves to the hassle found with going to the store. Getting what you want, when you want it, all at the click of a button has changed the way consumers shop.  Consumers can shop for almost anything online including fencing.  In fact, now-a-days purchasing a fence the old fashion way may even be harder than it is online.

Not only do you not have to leave the comfort of your own home, online fencing companies are offering additional services to ease the process from the initial planning to the final installation.  As with any online purchase it is important to understand the process involved with getting exactly what you want.

A Guide to Purchasing Aluminum Fencing Online

It is Important to Know What You Want

If you have not chosen a type of fencing your first step is to figure out what you want.  Many online fencing companies will send free fence samples to allow customers the chance to see and feel exactly what they are buying.  With fencing you get to sample different grades and colors, so you can feel the weight and see the color; this way you know exactly what you are getting and aren’t surprised when your order arrives.

A popular preference for homeowners is aluminum as previously mentioned.  Black aluminum fencing being the most sought-after material and color.  If you don’t have any idea of what you want it is a good idea to get samples of several different materials, colors, and grades from online fencing manufacturers.  The visual element of a sample can really help solidify your choice.

It is Important to Measure Your Yard

Another matter that is important when ordering a fence online is that homeowners order exactly what they need for their space, not more, not less.   When you are in the planning phase it is crucial to get an exact measurement of the yard perimeter where the fence will be installed.  This measurement, along with a detailed sketch can be sent to online fencing specialists to help them assess your need as well.  Double and triple checking measurements prior to placing your online fence order will save you time, money, and a whole lot of aggravation.

Once homeowners have an idea of how much fence is needed (total linear footage) they will divide that by the length of the aluminum fence panels, most common sizes being 6- and 8-foot sections.  Some homeowners will need to customize some of the fencing panels as adjustments are needed for landscaping but overall most of the fence panels either 6- or 8- feet.

It is Important to Know the Reputation of the Retailer and Fees Related to Delivery

More often than not people are hesitant make a purchase online because they are unfamiliar with the reputation of the seller.  When you are looking to make a purchase online it is important to check out the reputation of the seller specifically:

  • How many years has the company been in business online?
  • Read online reviews and look into customer feedback.
  • Review their shipping and delivery terms and fees.
  • Work with a retailer that offers a warranty


iFenceUSA is an online distributor of wholesale aluminum fences and gates for residential, resort, commercial, and industrial installation.  As an industry leader in maintenance-free aluminum fencing products we have all your aluminum fence and gate needs covered.  More information can be found online at