Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 115

Coping with Cataracts

Cataracts are a way of life for people as they age.  If you notice a cloudiness in your vision, you are most likely developing cataracts.  The clouding is in your eye’s natural lens that lies behind the iris and pupil.  This eye disease is the leading cause of blindness throughout the world.  More people have cataracts across the world than the combination of diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and glaucoma according to PBA, Prevent Blindness America.  In fact, 22 million Americans over the age of 40 are experiencing cataracts.

Three Types of Cataracts

Subcapsular: This is a cataract that develops at the back of the lens.  People that suffer from diabetes or take a high dose of steroid medicine are at a greater risk of developing subcapsular cataracts.

Nuclear: This type of cataract is often associated with aging and forms deep within the nucleus of the lens.

Cortical:  Cortical cataracts appear in the lens cortex (part of the lens surrounding the central nucleus) and often appears as white wedge, working from the periphery of the lens and moves into the center of the lens like a spoke.

Symptoms & Signs

Cataracts begin small and have little effect to a person vision however overtime you will notice that your vision will become a bit hazy and blurred.   You may notice that you become more sensitive to light as well.  The symptoms that are experienced often vary from person to person as well as on the type of cataract that has developed.  An eye exam can give you an official diagnosis.


The lens of your eye acts similar to a camera lens.  Light is focused onto the retina which gives you clear vision.  It adjusts focus to let things be seen close and far away.  The eyes lens is made up of proteins and water.  Proteins are arranged in a way that keeps the lens clear and allows light to pass through.  As we get older the proteins may get clumped together and cloud the lens.  This is a cataract and will continue to grow making it harder and harder to see clearly. It is not exactly clear why the lens changes and form cataracts however some risk factors are:

  • Ultraviolet radiation from the sun
  • Family history
  • Abuse of alcohol
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Extended use of corticosteroid medication
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Previous eye surgeries, injuries, and inflammation


There are a number of studies, mostly controversial, show that certain nutrients and nutritional supplements can help reduce the risk of cataracts.  Higher intakes of vitamin E, carotenoids lutein, and zeaxanthin from supplements and nutrients in food have shown to decrease the risk of cataracts.   Wearing sunglasses that offer 100% blockage of the suns UV rays help to reduce the chances of cataracts.  Eye vitamins, a healthy diet, and good nutrition can help in the prevention of cataracts.


As symptoms occur your vision may be improved with new glasses, bifocal, increased lighting, and the use of other visual aids.  Surgery is only considered after cataracts have progressed and impair your vision and affect daily happenings. Most people think that bad vision occurs as a normal part of aging but surgery to correct cataracts is fairly simple, pain free, and widely available.

Cataract surgery is successful in restoring vision.  3 million Americans undergo surgery for cataracts each and every year. In fact, 9 out of 10 people regain good eye sight after cataract surgery, between 20/20 and 20/40. Surgeons remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear, plastic intraocular lens, IOL.


It is important to take time to recover from surgery.  Don’t plan on driving for a few days and avoid strenuous lifting and activities.  It is important not to bend over or put pressure on your eye.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

What’s Better for Your Water: Potassium Chloride (Salt-Fee) or Salt Water Softeners?

There are both advantages and disadvantages to the two types of water softeners commonly purchased: potassium chloride (salt-free) and salt water softeners.   The choice if often based on the area in which you live, the quality of your homes water, and health concerns that may or may not exist.

It is important to note that although we refer to potassium chloride, salt-free units as water softeners they are technically not water softeners at all and instead water conditioners or descalers.  Systems that use potassium chloride over salt are known to reduce the build up of limescale.   Limescale is the chalk like substance that leaves dried up hard water spots on faucets, glass wear, and such.  Water conditioning systems alter the chemical make up of the waters minerals through a descaling process.  Solids are then prevented from depositing within pipes and other water-using fixtures.

So, is a salt-free water conditioner beneficial over a traditional water softener that uses a salt ion exchange process to remove the minerals from your homes water?  One of the nicest things that come along with salt-free water systems is that they don’t waste water in the same manner as traditional water softeners.  Salt-free water softeners/conditioners are less expensive to operate and require less maintenance.  Water that has been conditioned isn’t slippery like water coming from a water softener can.  One concern with a potassium chloride system is that they are not as effective as water softeners when it comes to improving the water in places where water sits in place, such as a water heater.  These areas can still have issues where limestone builds up.

How well a salt-free water softener will work to improve the quality of your homes water will depending on the minerals and contaminants in your water.  Some areas saltless water softeners/conditioners don’t work as well as others due to the hardness of the water.  It is important to have your homes water properly analyzed to see exactly what you are dealing with before purchasing a unit for your home.

When water softeners are utilized it has been proven that they extend the lifetime of appliances that require water.  Water softeners are good for your plumbing, water heaters, shower heads all while using less soap in laundry, dishes, and baths.

In order to ensure that you are purchasing the right system for your families need it is crucial that you speak with professional at Reynolds Water Conditioning and have them test your water.  It is up to you to know the difference between products that will work for your water situation and work with an expert to find a system that will offer you the benefits of quality water, longer lasting appliances, and more efficient soap usage.

The experts at Reynolds Water Conditioning have a solution to your homes unique water quality needs including: arsenic, bacteria, chlorine, rotten egg smell, fluoride, hard water, iron, lead, acid, tannins, radon, and more.  More information on our water treatment solutions including water softeners and conditioners, water filtration and purification, reverse osmosis drinking water, and iron & odor removal can be found online at

Chimney Questions Answered by The Experts at Kearns Brothers

Chimney care is often overlooked when it comes to maintaining elements in and around the home.   As professional chimney repair specialists there are a few questions that are often asked of us.  Below we will answer the most common questions, concerns, and problems associated with chimneys.

The number one question asked of the Kearns Brother chimney specialists is,

“How can I tell if my chimney is safe to use?”

This is one of those questions that is difficult to answer without actually seeing the chimney. Upon inspection it is common for inspectors to skirt away from the term “safe”.  Instead, a chimney is inspected and if nothing is found a more common phrase to address the chimney’s use is to say that there are no visibly apparent issues that can be noted.  If there is any question to the stability of a chimney, we will call in a certified chimney sweep.  F.I.R.E. certified inspectors are experts and are the most qualified to make a judgment of a chimney’s safety.

How can I tell if my chimney needs to be cleaned or swept?”

Fireplaces: Take a bright flashlight and look up and down the chimney.  Most often the top of the chimney will be cleaner than the bottom for a number of reasons. If you notice a buildup of soot of more than a ¼ inch it is time for it to be swept.

Woodstoves: If your home has a woodstove and you actively use it, you should plan on hiring a professional chimney sweep each year.  If you keep up on cleaning your woodstove there should never be a dangerous level of creosote buildup.  

Gas/Oil Flues: With a gas or oil flue you will need to pull the pipe out of the bottom.  If the system has been operating efficiently, as it should be, there won’t be a lot to see.  The main thing to check for is that the passage is open.  To be safe it is a good idea to pass a brush through the passage.

How can I tell if my chimney is on fire?”

You would think this is evident right?  Chimney fires are scary and can occur with little to know advance notice.  It is important to keep your chimney clean to avoid fires within the chimney.  It can be hard to tell if a chimney is on fire from the inside of your home.  Many people don’t really know their chimney is on fire until a neighbor comes over and knocks on your door to let you know that flames are shooting out your chimney.  When your chimney is on fire it can sound or feel like a freight train flying through your space, sometimes however the sound may not accompany it.  Here are a few signs your chimney is on fire:

  • Are flames shooting out the top of your chimney?
  • Do you see mountainous billows of black smoke coming from the chimney?
  • Can you hear a sound coming from the chimney, similar to a train?

“Is my chimney flue open?”

One of the biggest issue’s homeowners have is making sure their flue is open.  The flue is the passage that moves the smoke out of the home.  If the flue is shut the smoke will fill the room and won’t allow the smoke to flow out.  To check and see if your flue is open you will want to get on your hands and knees to see if the flap within the chimney stack is open or shut.  There is usually a handle on the outside of the pipe that operates the flap.  Have someone help you by moving the handle back and forth until you can see the difference between it being open and closed.

“Could my chimney be blocked?”

A visible check of the chimney will tell you if there is a blockage.  If you have a wood or oil fireplace that is blocked smoke, or a smell of oil fumes will fill up the home, this is a good indicator your chimney is blocked.

As a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all Southeast Michigan, Kearns Brothers, Inc. offers clients a wide range of services to meet their construction needs including: roofing, siding, window, masonry, chimneys, gutters, and insulation services.  More information can be found at


Keeping Children and Pets from Pool Entry Without Supervision

For both kids and adults alike, the best part about summer is when you can spend all day in the water.  A swimming pool is also perfect when you have had a long day at work and just want to cool down and relax.  One area of concern for many homeowners that install swimming pools is the safety of their family including both the animals and humans.  Kids naturally gravitate towards water, especially a swimming pool which is known for play however the last thing you want is for it to quickly turn into a life altering hazard.

On average, 3,500 people die each year because of unintentional drowning accidents.  The last thing that you want is for your family to become part of this statistic.  That is why it is crucial to take the proper measurements to prevent access to your swimming pool when proper supervision is not in place.

Creating A Barrier: Aluminum Fence Panels

The best way to prevent access to your homes swimming pool is to create a barrier between the swimming pool and the yard.  Aluminum pool fencing is easy to install, durable, and prevents access.  Insurance companies require a fence to be installed around swimming pools to create a secure barrier, thus limiting the liability placed on the homeowner.

The requirements surrounding pool fence vary a great deal based on the location of the pool, the insurer, H.O.A., and federal regulations.  The minimum height of an aluminum swimming pool fence is 48 inches.  Other regulations include, self-locking, self-latching gates, minimum space allotments between vertical pickets and horizontal bars.  These requirements are put into place as a way to decrease the likelihood that the fence can be scaled hence, increasing the security of your swimming pool.

Premium Security: Self-Closing Aluminum Gate

Although you are wanting to block access to the pool, you are not creating a fortress that isn’t penetrable, thus the installation of an access gate.  Although a gate is a useful access point in which to gain entry to your swimming pool it must also be secured when the pool is not in use and supervision is unavailable.  Many policies require the gate to have special features for safeguarding your family such as a gate that swings closed (self-closing hinges) when it is not being held open.  Upon closing another feature that is often required with the installation of a gate for you pool is that the gate automatically lock (magna-latch) when closed.  Self-closing, self-locking aluminum fence and gate systems are a necessity in keeping your family safe.

Wholesale Aluminum Fence: DIY Installation

The aluminum fence that is installed around the swimming pool in your backyard has a crucial purpose, to keep your family safe and sound.   iFenceUSA offers wholesale pricing on aluminum fence panels while offering exceptional customer service.  From planning, measuring, selecting, and installing your new aluminum pool fence we make the process simple for homeowners.  When you purchase online aluminum fence from iFenceUSA rest assured that your aluminum fence and accessories will come factory direct straight to your home with easy DIY installation instructions.

iFenceUSA is an online distributor of wholesale aluminum fences and gates for residential, resort, commercial, and industrial installation.  As an industry leader in maintenance-free aluminum fencing products we have all your aluminum fence and gate needs covered.  More information can be found online at

Basic Elements Used In Networking: What You Should Know

The term networking is used a lot in both IT and business a lot.  Creating a successful IT network is crucial to the growth of a business.  When people within an organization are able to share and merge information in real time an increase in efficiency naturally occurs.  IT networking is a concept that many of us are familiar with but unsure of what it takes to create.  A network is a system where computers, phones, peripherals, and even IT devices are connected.  Some basic essential needed to create a manage this system include routers, switches, and wireless access points.  These units connect the devices on your network and allow them to communicate with one another as well as outside networks such as the internet.

The Foundation: Switches

A network switch is the backbone of many networks within companies large and small.  It acts very much like a controller and connect devices such as computers, printers, and servers to the network within a location.  A switch creates a link of communication on your network, allowing devices to work with one another and outside networks, thus creating a system in which resources can be shared.  When information is shared, in real time, across sources and available resources are shared businesses save time and money while increasing productivity.

There are two types of switches that IT professionals can install within your networking system: managed and unmanaged.

Managed Switches: A managed switch allows techs the ability to configure it for the needs of the network.  Monitoring and adjustments can be made locally or remotely.  This gives companies a greater control over the network’s traffic and accessibility.

Unmanaged Switches: An unmanaged switch is one that works right from the box however cannot be configured.  This type of switch is most often not used in commercial IT but instead home networking equipment.

The Dispatcher: Routers

A router is used to join the devices on the network together.  A router is also used to connect computers to the internet.  Using a router in networking allows one single internet connection to be shared amongst users.  Paying for individual internet connections for each computer within a company would be a huge expense without a beneficial increase in function performed.

As a dispatcher, a router examines the data that is sent across the network and pick a proper route for the data to voyage through the network to its final destination.  A router is used to connect your business to the outside world while protecting the data from threats and deciding a priority over systems in the network.

There are a few types of routers to choose from including:

  • Routers with firewalls
  • Virtual private networks (VPN)
  • Internet Protocol (IP) communications system

Routers make basic networking functions possible while making networking easier and more secure.

Accessibility: Access Points

Access points are added to network to allow for connection without cables.   This makes the process of bringing new equipment online simpler and allows for flexibility to mobile employees.   An access point works in a similar fashion as an amplifier for the network.  Routers provide bandwidth and the access point extends the bandwidth amongst many devices that are able to access the network from a near and far.

An access point is more than just a unit that extends the Wi-Fi signal.  A network access point allows useful information about all of the devices on the network and provide proactivity security while serving other practical functions.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Maintenance Programs For Small and Large Scaled Medical Equipment Facilities

Once installed medical equipment, such as linear accelerators, CT scanners, and other large scaled radiation therapy equipment must be properly maintained to ensure accurate results.  Regular maintenance and service improves the longevity of equipment and increases equipment reliability.

More often than not, health care facilities do not have the budget to maintain an in house equipment care team, instead services on equipment is outsourced.  Medical equipment is specialized, and sophisticated, biomedical engineers are responsible for the services performed to ensure they are done properly, in a timely fashion, and by qualified service professionals.

There is a complexity in managing and properly maintaining large scaled medical equipment, such as linear accelerators.  This complexity exists for several reasons including:

  • The specialization of equipment throughout medical facilities
  • The integration of medical equipment and electronic networks
  • The increase in requirements for compliance, safety, reliability, and accuracy
  • The need for outsourcing medical equipment maintenance and repair

It is crucial that these elements are all focused on during the maintenance of facilities medical equipment inventory.  This ensures equipment is maintained at the right time and application.

One way that biomedical engineers keep up with the intricacies of each unique piece of equipment is by using historical data for reference and through overseeing equipment audits.  This allows professionals to analyze their management programs to improve efficiency and compliance all while decreasing costs.

Health care professionals should establish baselines on their equipment.  Each facility is a different size and offers varied levels of technology.  This is why it is inaccurate to use dollars spent as a comparison.  Smaller, more budget conscience facilities may be required to purchase refurbished linear accelerators over brand new to stay within their facility’s financial requirements.

A better measurement to use is a program’s cost of service ratio.  This measurement accounts for technology and the expense of maintenance, the ratio helps determine the financial effectiveness of an equipment maintenance program.  This ratio is found through the division of total annual costs of operations by the initial cost of procuring equipment.  Establish a goal that provides your company direction on reducing costs while increasing overall efficiency.

Medical equipment maintenance programs of the past have been based on an as needed basis for repairs.   Equipment is not maintained and instead breakdowns are addressed as equipment breaks.  Newer methodology involving medical equipment maintenance is time, predictive, and conditioned based to a new risk-based process.    Prevention and corrective maintenance are now concerned with scheduled activities and repairs when equipment is out of service.  This maintenance method prevents the ability to set service intervals based on useful data.

As an independent LINAC service company, Acceletronics is dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and services for linear accelerators and CT scanners across all major brands and models, as well as new and refurbished LINAC systems for sale.  More information can be found online at

Five Things To Not Do Before Filing Bankruptcy

Believe it or not there are some things that you should not do before you file for Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy.  Finding debt relief in bankruptcy is not as simple as filing a few pieces of paper, appearing before a federal judge and whoosh all of your bills are gone.  There are a lot of considerations that go into the act of declaring bankruptcy and seeking relief from your debt.

One of the first steps to take when considering the different options available to you is to determine your totally debt.  When you are in a situation where you are experiencing stress financially, it may be tempting to do whatever you can to free yourself from that pressure.  However, bankruptcy discharge is a very serious, legal action therefore it is crucial that you understand what is going to happen before, during, and after bankruptcy.

Don’t Rush

Bankruptcy is a federally governed method of debt elimination.  There are limitations on how often you can file for bankruptcy.

  • Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge is something that can only be done once every eight years.
  • Chapter 13 bankruptcy discharge is something that can only be done once every six years.

If you are considering bankruptcy due to medical debt but are still experiencing severe health issues it is probably important to wait until your health has stabilized before filing.  The last thing you want to do is to find yourself accumulating more and more debt after you have already discharged your initial debt. There are a number of problems that crop up when bankruptcy comes into view like unemployment, foreclosure, eviction, and car repossession.   It is important to file bankruptcy at a point when you know you are going to be able to get back on your feet once a discharge is granted.  The last thing you want is to have your debt cleared only to find yourself swimming in debt a year later when no relief can be given.

Don’t Wait Too Long

There are times however that bankruptcy can’t wait and that it is in your best interest to file for bankruptcy right away.  If a wage garnishing is in place, it is important to file sooner rather than later so that you have more money to pay bills.  Filing for bankruptcy in a timely manner is also important if a creditor has a lawsuit against you.  Your bankruptcy attorney will want to make sure to look at the complaint to see if it includes any allegations of fraud.  If it does, the matter will go into judgment and you likely won’t be able to wipe out this debt in bankruptcy.

A creditor that has won money in a judgement against you, the lien that accompanies it allows the creditor to take wages directly from your check, attach to your bank accounts, repo cars, and foreclose on your home in an effort to reclaim the money that is owed.  If you file for and receive a bankruptcy discharge before the creditor wins a case against you, filing bankruptcy will stop the lawsuit in its track and wipe out that debt as well.

Don’t Drain Retirements Account

Retirement funds are protected from bankruptcy.  It is important not to withdrawal funds from your retirement accounts in order to pay off debts.  Before taking money from any type of account that is labeled for retirement speak with a bankruptcy lawyer to figure out the best option for you.  Most often you will find that your attorney will recommend that you do not deplete your accounts to better your financial situation.

Don’t Provide Information That Is Inaccurate

It is crucial to be completely open when it comes to your bankruptcy paperwork.  You are required to provide accurate information on your paperwork including your assets, debt, income, expenses, and financial history.  Misrepresenting information could lead to penalty of perjury.

Don’t Add in New Debt or Move Assets

Any debt that is incurred seventy to ninety days before filing bankruptcy paperwork, unless it is a necessity, a creditor may object.  Debt within this time frame may be considered fraudulent. As a rule, don’t take out cash advances or use credit cards to buy luxury items.  It is also critical that you don’t try to hide or move assets for safekeeping before filing for bankruptcy.  If you have sold property to pay for expenses before declaring bankruptcy it will be important to document the way in which you spent the money to pay for necessities.

As with any legal procedure it is important that the rules are followed to prevent any sort of confusion when it comes to discharging your debt.


Bohikian Law Group specializes in bankruptcy services including chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy.  More information can be found at

The Increasing Popularity Of LASIK Surgery

There are a number of benefits that come from corrective eye surgery such as LASIK.  Having perfect or close to perfect vision without the hassle of glasses and contacts. There is a great deal of annoyance that comes along with wearing glasses or contacts.  When you are engaging in physical activity, enjoying some time in the water, or what not you always worry about your glasses being in a safe place or if you will get sand in a contact. There is a lot of agitation that comes along with making sure the device you use to see properly doesn’t break or get something in it.

Living An Active Lifestyle

Laser corrective eye surgery makes athletics of all types simpler.   Many an athlete has come into the office complaining about the inconvenience of wearing glasses and contacts in contact sports.  LASIK is an attractive option for athletes. It is important however, that they give themselves enough time off in between surgery and heading into action to allow their eyes to heal.  Even if you are not a professional athlete, if you have a particularly active life style LASIK is beneficial as well.  Simple outdoor activities like jogging, hiking, camping, and more are all made simpler without having to worry about carrying contact solution with you or be concerned if you break a lens while out on the trail.  Laser eye surgery can elevate your active lifestyle.

Traveling Made Simpler

Vacations are made easier with laser vision surgery as well.  Anyone who has ever taken a trip knows how difficult it is to pack and prepare for a trip.  Now factor in the supplies you need to see along with spares in case you lose a contact or miss placing your glasses without having a suitable solution.  Your trip could easily become a disaster.  Imagine spending the entire vacation looking for a suitable replacement for your glasses or contacts rather than enjoying your time away.

Care Free Living

LASIK allows patients to go glasses free and still see without the discomfort that is often experienced with the use of contact lens.  This typically comes into play when preparing for a special event like your wedding day.  Brides are often disinterested in wearing their glasses on their wedding day however still want to be able to see, without the irritation of contact lenses.  LASIK gives patients the opportunity to just get up and go without a care in the world.  Imagine waking up and not having to consider the means at which you will see.

Cost Saving Solution

Another benefit of LASIK surgery comes from the money that is saved.  It is estimated that Americans spend upwards of 30 billion dollars a year on eye care solutions each year.  On average LASIK costs about $2,000 per eye which may seem costly however when you add the cost of yearly eye exams, contacts, glasses and the products to care for them properly you are spending upwards of $500 a year.  Considering you will need these products for the rest of your life and LASIK is a one-time expense, the savings is seen relatively quickly.

Laser vision correction is becoming an incredibly popular surgical option to improve vision for a number of reasons. LASIK is convenient and allows people to pursue a comfortable and confident lifestyle.  The many benefits that come from living a life without the addition of glasses and contacts allow us to see why laser vision surgery has become such a popular option to provide high quality vision.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

The Basics of Choosing the Right Water Softener For Your Home and Family


KODAK Digital Still Camera

Water softeners take bathing to an all new level, especially after accepting and coming accustomed to hard water showers.   If you are ready to bathe in silky smooth water, if you are excited for clear uncolored, smell free water, and if you are anxious to stop cleaning with harsh rust removers, we might just have the perfection solution for you.

Choosing a water softener, often misspelled as “water softner”, we can help with options ranging from traditional household water softeners, salt-free water softeners, dual- tank softeners and combinations that include reverse osmosis, whole house filters, arsenic removal and more.

Issues With Hard Water

Water softeners solve the problem of hard water.  When your homes water is filled with extra minerals such as calcium, magnesium carbonate or manganese it is considered hard.  Some homeowners note that soap doesn’t lather correctly, their dishes are spotted, sinks and tubs have rings, bright colored laundry looks dingy, skin feels rough, and other annoying side effects.  An analysis of your homes water is the only way to truly “diagnosis” your homes water and determine if a water softener is truly the right solution. These extra minerals don’t normally pose a risk to your overall health however, not treating hard water can cause issues with your homes plumbing, water heating system, appliances, and such.  In research done by the U.S. Geological Survey over eighty five percent of American homes have problems with hard water in their homes.

As previously mentioned, one way to get rid of hard water is to install a water softener.  The water from your home is not considered hard unless it contains more than 1 GPG of dissolved hard materials however, water with up to 3.5 GPG is considered soft.  Noticeably hard water contains upward of 3.5 GPG with 10.5 GPG being considered extremely hard.  Anything between the two extremes is considered moderately hard and should be properly treated.

Damage To Home From Hard Water

Hard water is more annoying and expense than a risk to the health of you and your family.  In fact, many issues that are created because of a home’s hard water supply stay hidden until an actual malfunction in the plumbing or your appliances bring it to light.  Scale can cake on to the inside of your plumbing, water heaters, and appliances causing major issues for you.  This on top of the issues that are general nuisances in the everyday running of your household.

One of the most common fixes for hard water is the installation of a water softener.  There are a variety of water softeners that people can install in their homes or businesses to improve the quality of your water.   The most common whole-house water softener that is installed is known as a salt ion-exchange water softener.  Salt ion-exchange water softeners have two tanks.  One of the tanks is filled with brine and the other special resin beads.  The water becomes soft by exchanging salt ion for hard minerals.

Another option is a salt-free water softener that operates in a similar manner as a salt ion-exchange water softener however uses potassium-chloride instead of softener salt.  Hard minerals are not reduced but instead prevent the minerals from being deposited as scale to plumbing and such.

Dual-tank water softeners are yet another option.  Unlike typical water softeners that disconnect from the water system when recharging making them basically out of commission during the process, dual water tanks always have on tank in use while the other regenerates.  Thus, no downtime in water usage.  For most families the water softening rejuvenation process in common water softeners takes place at night when water is most often not in use, for big families or families with varying schedules a dual water softener can be a better fit.

The Right Size Water Softener

Water softeners come in a variety of different sizes, the size of the softener you need for your household will depend on the size of your home and the number of people using water in your household.  It is important that when purchasing a new water softener, you select one that is the right size to handle the demands of your home and family.  Remember the physical size of the unit is not particularly important, it is the systems ability to remove minerals from the water at a pace that keeps up with your needs. This can be determined when the water from your home is analyzed.

Along with choosing the right size water softener for your home it is important to choose a softener with features and controls that are necessary.  It is important for homeowners to know what controls the regeneration cycle, how long each regeneration cycle takes, as well as the amount of water and salt needed for recharging.  Softeners use two different control options: automatic timing and demand-initiated regeneration no matter what option is on your softener, the salt needs to be monitored on a regular basis to prevent running low.

The professionals at Reynolds Water Conditioning can help you select and install the best option in water softener for your family.

The experts at Reynolds Water Conditioning have a solution to your homes unique water quality needs including: arsenic, bacteria, chlorine, rotten egg smell, fluoride, hard water, iron, lead, acid, tannins, radon, and more.  More information on our water treatment solutions including water softeners and conditioners, water filtration and purification, reverse osmosis drinking water, and iron & odor removal can be found online at

How Will I Know If It’s Time To Redo My Pools Plaster Finish?

There is one question we are asked more than any other.  Can you guess what it is? If you guessed, “When will I know it is time to re-plaster my pool?” you were right!

Unfortunately there isn’t one simple answer we can give you except that trust us, you will know when it’s time.  There is a great deal of difference between when a commercial pools plaster needs to be re-done verse a residential pool.  Most often commercial pools can expect to be re-plastered once every ten years.  However, when evaluating if a residential pool needs to be re-plastered a number of factors, not just time go into determining if a pool needs to be re-plastered.

When determining when a residential pool is ready to have its plaster replaced comes down to the aesthetics and structural integrity.


Most often phone calls from residential pool owners start out with a long explanation on how the pool doesn’t look or feel right.  If a homeowner’s plaster has light staining it is possible that instead of fresh plastering that the stains can be removed through acid washing. Since pool plaster is a natural product it is impossible to prevent staining from occurring.  If the pool is white and the noticeable stains bother homeowners, we will most often recommend a colored plaster be used when the plaster needs to be refinished.

Some stains are from the minerals that are found in your water.  If this is the case homeowners will want to take care of the mineral problem in the water before re-plastering the pool.  Remember that minerals not only affect the homes water but can also leave build up in pipes and plumbing.  The issue must be addressed throughout the source of the water to prevent staining issues in the future.

Some stains on a pools plaster aren’t stains at all and are in fact from the combination of plaster and application of white coating.  There are variations that occur from a combination of things: variation in the mixture, the temperature at which it is applied, and the method of application.  Slight variations in the plaster should be considered normal.

The Touch of Plaster

The feel of the plaster is just as important as the look.  The pools plaster is supposed to be soft and smooth.  Pits and pockets can occur from improper water chemistry or from acid washing too frequently.  If etching occurs on your pools plaster the surface can feel rough, snag swimsuits and can give algae and dirt a place to hold onto. Another common reason for etching is a poor plastering technique or plaster that is too hot or includes too much calcium in cold water. If rough plaster occurs in a small, localized area, it can be sanded smooth, however if it is wide spread it is recommended to re-plaster the pool.

Structural Issues

Structural issues are another reason that residential pool owners need to consider re-plastering their pools.  “Structural” may be an improper term because as you know the structure of a pool is created from steel webbing and sprayed in concrete and the plaster is the outer, waterproof coating on top.  If a pool was left without the addition of a plaster shell the water would slowly seep through to the ground.  If homeowners start to see bare spots coming through the concrete it is time to have the plaster evaluated.  Large cracks in pools plaster can also be an issue structurally and should be addressed as soon as they are spotted.  Waiting gives the crack time to expand and larger issues to occur.

Pound Pool Plastering offers several options when it comes to servicing your pool including plaster, caulk, tiling, cement decks, plumbing, and coping in both commercial and residential settings.  More information can be found at