Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 112

Common Signs You Home Needs a Water Softener

There are a number of signs that point to a problem with hard water.  Homeowners with hard drinking water will often notice a smell or taste that is off.  When hard water is present in your home often times the sinks, tubs, and toilets will be stained, family members may begin to complain of dry, itchy skin, and your water supply will smell and taste off.  Bringing in a sample of the homes water will allow you to know exactly what is going on in your water supply. This water analysis will tell you what type of water treatment system will best suit your homes water issue. 

Water softeners are used to remove excess calcium and magnesium ions and exchange them with either sodium or potassium ions, depending on if you choose a salt free water softener or water softener that uses salt.  When the exchange has taken place the water softener regenerates and flushes the system of extra ions until it has been completely recharged with new sodium or potassium ions. This process uses twenty-five gallons of water each day, depending on use.  It is important to determine the waters hardness.  Preventing the buildup of scale can increase the lifespan of your appliances like your water heaters, dishwasher, and more.  There are seven common signs that your home will benefit from the installation of a whole house water softener. 

Noticeable Scale Buildup on Appliances

If you are noticing scale, you more likely than not have hard water.  Noticeable scale build up will be seen in the form of mineral deposits on coffee pots, tea kettles, and such.  These same mineral deposits are being built up within your homes pipes as well.  To prevent clogged pipes and less effective passing of water through your system causing defective plumbing and increased scale buildup a water softener should be installed.  The water softener needs to be set in a manner that allows the proper amount of water to rejuvenate each day to avoid running out of soft water throughout the day.  If you use twenty-five gallons of water each day, then your water softener needs to supply twenty-five gallons of soft water. 

The visible buildup that homeowners are seeing is known as limescale.  This is a hard, chalky material that is formed from a combination of calcium and magnesium bicarbonate.  The salt is what forms the white chalk like substance that is visible.  A water softener will reduce this scale buildup through ion exchange technology.

Itchy, Dry Skin and Hair

Hard water contains more calcium and magnesium salt than soft water.  When hard water is used in daily life it can cause your skin and hair to dry out no matter what shampoo and lotion you are using.  The hard water is not providing any nourishment to your skin and hair, so it dries out.  The extra minerals, calcium and magnesium, remain on your skin. It is important to note that soap doesn’t dissolve well in hard water, so it doesn’t help to remove the build up of minerals.  Since soap doesn’t dissolve well either that residue is also known to irritate the area as well. 

Hard water is also harsh on even the most stringent of skin care regimens.  Hard water blocks the pores in your skin, causes inflammation, and creates an environment prone to black heads.   Leathery, dry skin is another common side effect of hard water.

Gray and Faded Clothes

When darker clothes, sheets, and towels start to fade and gray when washed using hard water. The hard water may also change the texture of the fabrics.  The fabrics will start to become scratchy overtime because of the additional minerals that are contained in hard water. 

Sinks, Bathtubs, and Toilet Stains

Often times when a home has hard water it is noticeable because of the stains that the mineral residue leaves behind in sinks, tubs, and toilets.   The stains are formed after water evaporates and leaves behind the large amounts of calcium and magnesium from the tap water.  The residue will feel plaster like.  These deposits can also form on faucets.

One way in which to remove the residue build up is with vinegar.  Put vinegar into a spray bottle and spray the buildup or residue with vinegar.  After letting it set for a minute it should wipe away without a ton of struggle.  For harder to remove residue let the vinegar soak for up to an hour.  To clean the residue buildup from your dishwasher, pour a cup of bleach into the dishwasher along with a cup of powdered detergent.  Run this mixture through an empty dishwasher.  After the cycle has finished up run the dishwasher once again with an empty load using a cup of vinegar.  This will help to ensure that the bleach is no longer present.

Both types of water softeners, salt and potassium chloride, are effective in softening your homes water to prevent future residue buildup from making a home in your home.  To determine your homes water softener needs, have the water in your home tested.  This water analysis will help to determine the level of extra minerals in the water and the settings that will be optimal once your water softener is installed.

Constant Plumbing Repairs

The plumbing in your home, especially steel pipes, are easily harmed from the buildup of limescale which will prevent the water from flowing freely through them.  PVC and Copper piping tend prevent the buildup of hard water minerals better than steel however, all plumbing will eventually be affected by limescale.  More limescale means thicker buildup in the plumbing and will eventually lead to the loss of water pressure.  The rate at which the pipes are affected will be quicker overtime as the space within the pipe circumference shrinks due to the additional limescale.

If left untreated the pipes will eventually fail.  Homeowners that don’t take regular care to clean up the build up from around faucets will eventually end up with valves that don’t fully shut and therefore leak.  This leak will lead to greater, faster limescale buildup.  Plumbing repairs can be expensive as well as causing a lot of excessive wear on the house.  Installing an appropriate water softening unit will work wonders in helping to prevent further plumbing issues.

Increases in Water Bills

The amount of water that you use will increase the harder pipes have to work to get the water to flow through.  If there is a sudden increase in your water bill have your water tested.  This analysis will determine if you need a water softener installed, need your water softener replaced, or the water hardness level of a currently installed system needs to be adjusted. 

If you notice a change in your water the first step should always be to have your water analyzed by a professional.  Once an analysis is done on your water and you know what minerals are contained in the water a water treatment solution can be recommended.  Sometimes the simple installation of a water softener can improve the overall quality of your homes water however sometimes the solution is more complex.  A wide range of water treatment systems are available from whole house to point of use water softeners, water filters and purifiers, and reverse osmosis systems, all with their own specific job.  

The experts at Reynolds Water Conditioning have a solution to your homes unique water quality needs including: arsenic, bacteria, chlorine, rotten egg smell, fluoride, hard water, iron, lead, acid, tannins, radon, and more.  More information on our water treatment solutions including water softeners and conditioners, water filtration and purification, reverse osmosis drinking water, and iron & odor removal can be found online at

Home Improvement In 2019

Not always are the industry trends that we experience centered around the materials we will use or the changes in how the space is utilized.  Sometimes the trends that are called out have to do with the way in which the process of renovating occurs.  In this installment we will look at some not so pleasant trends that seem to be on the rise going into 2019 and how you can avoid falling victim.

DIY Homeowners Will Emerge

To be honest, for contractors, DIY homeowners are both a blessing and a curse.  Yes, one would think that when renovation jobs are done without hiring a professional contractor that we as an industry lose however, in my experience, this is never the case. 

Everyone thinks that with the help and guidance of YouTube and smartphones that they can tackle anything their homes throw at them.  The one thing that happens more often than not, is that even though it is possible for DIYers to physically accomplish a renovation, they flat out run out of time to do it.  There have been many a project that we have been brought to finish that DIY homeowners have run into issues with time management.  Let’s face the facts here, renovating rooms within your home often ends up requiring more time than homeowners have.  Working a full-time job, kid commitments, and keeping up on basic household chores leaves most of us without a lot of downtime.  Although homeowners begin DIY home improvement with fierceness and plan a few weekends to complete them, life gets in the way, the drive stalls, and the professionals come in to save the day.

As a contractor, I always support the DIY movement.  If this trend prevails into 2019 as industry experts say it will I won’t be out of work anytime soon. 

Regret from Missed Execution

This phenomenon is common when working with homeowners who under budget and over inspire with their renovations.  It is not worth starting a renovation when you are already considering ways to cut corners to get the results you desire. Most homeowners, however, don’t heed this warning.  This has become a greater issue over the past few years because of the many sources to draw inspiration from.  With magazines, Pinterest, social media, and the internet in general ideas for renovations are abundant.  What homeowners see in their vision verse what they have budgeted for are often two different things. 

They work to simplify the requests to fit the budget but don’t simplify their expectations for the actual execution. We as contractors struggle to avoid when working with clients whose ideas stretch beyond their budget.  The best suggestions we offer to fend off this 2019 trend from happening to you with your renovation is to wait until you have saved enough that your budget matches your expectations.  Lowering expectations to meet a budget will lead to regret upon execution of the project because it will never be exactly what has been pictured all along.

The one thing that we always stress to our clients when renovating a space, whether it is a kitchen remodel, bathroom modification, or even the installation of new flooring is to envision the final product.  Share that image with us.  As home improvement industry experts, we strive to give clients their dream space and this can only be done if we know what the end goal looks like to them.  If this final picture isn’t realistic with their space, time constraints, budget, or whatever else we work with them towards a solution.  Sometimes it means waiting until the budget is able to accomplish what they want, sometimes it is reimaging the space they have and creating the space they want within it, and sometimes its as simple as drawing a new final picture for them to see. 

As a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all Southeast Michigan, Kearns Brothers, Inc. offers clients a wide range of services to meet their construction needs including: roofing, siding, window, masonry, chimneys, gutters, and insulation services.  More information can be found at

Creating a Standout Driveway with The Addition of an Aluminum Gate

First impressions count.  The outside appeal of your home has a great influence in how your property is viewed.  Having a functional entrance, one that stands out from the rest, is just one way to increase the aesthetics of the landscape.  A perfect way to do this is with the addition of an aluminum driveway gate.

Driveways exist for very realistic reasons. A driveway is just one avenue between outsiders and your home.  When a driveway gate is installed the access to your property is limited to only those individuals who you deem allowed to enter. We all want to keep our families safe especially when they are under our roof and an aluminum driveway gate is just one of the ways in which this is done. Thankfully the installation of a gate doesn’t have to sacrifice the beauty of your home and landscape. 

As with many purchases that can be made today, driveway gates can be bought online.  Purchasing larger scaled items like driveway gates online is not only easy but ultra-convenient as they are delivered directly to your home.   When an aluminum driveway gate is delivered to your home they will come with easy-to-assemble panels and posts.  Included will be instructions on assembly and installation.  There are several styles and types of driveway gates to choose from.  An aluminum gate can easily be chosen to coordinate with the style of your home and landscaping.  There are several ways in which you can make your new aluminum driveway gate stand out.

Aluminum Posts and Decorative Pillars

As you are shopping for an aluminum driveway gate you will start to notice that there are several different options that can be included to the gate to customize it just for your space.  Swing gate posts are a popular example of one way to really enhance the grandness of an aluminum driveway entry gate.  Stone and brick pillars on either side of the driveway are just one way to add depth and grandness to an ordinary driveway gate. 

Custom Aluminum Inlay

Inlays installed onto the aluminum driveway gate panel are another way in which you can enhance your new gate.  A custom inlay can be created in a number of different designs, from scrolls, initials, and emblems are all popular inlay options.  Many times, commercial driveway gates will be enhanced with a business logo to enrich the visit of the property.


The landscaping of your home including flowers, shrubs, trees, vines, and planters can be used to create interest to the entrance of your home.  Aluminum driveway gates are magnificent on their own but with the right landscaping a statement can be really made. 

Details and Colors

Similar to aluminum fence panels, aluminum driveway gates can be ordered in a variety of colors.  More often than not the gate that is chosen will match the color of the aluminum fencing around the perimeter of the landscape. Aluminum driveway gates are often ordered to match the details of the aluminum fence such as detailed handrailing, spear tops, and decorative finials. 

Additional Lighting

No one wants to enter their property in the dark.  Adding in some attractive lighting fixtures on the posts or the driveway perimeter creates a welcoming, safe entry and exit to the home.  In order to create a cohesive look, lighting can be installed to lead all the way to the main entrance. 

With a few minor choices a generic aluminum driveway gate can be turned into something extraordinary. 

iFenceUSA is an online distributor of wholesale aluminum fences and gates for residential, resort, commercial, and industrial installation.  As an industry leader in maintenance-free aluminum fencing products we have all your aluminum fence and gate needs covered.  More information can be found online at

The Top 9 SEO Trends to Look For In 2019

It is that time of the year where we all begin to reflect on the past year and look ahead to see what is coming on the horizon.  This is true in both our personal ventures and in business.  So much can change in just a years’ time, software is developed, processes are upgraded, and algorithms change.  It is crucial, especially when it comes to your business online that new trends in SEO and digital marketing are considered.  Get a jump start on your 2019 online marketing goals by considering what experts are labeling “the most important SEO trends of 2019”.

Who is your target audience?  What is their intent?

According to industry experts knowing, defining, and building your online marketing strategy around these two things will be more important than ever before. Understanding what people’s expectations are with any given search query and providing the answer/solution with your website and overall online presence is the most effective manner to meet your audiences need.  The goal for marketers is to stay ahead of people’s preferences because they can change quicker than can be imagined.  If you are successfully able to do this, Google will reward you with higher search engine placements and site visitors are more likely to invest in you. 

Search engines outside of Google

In 2019 experts agree that the importance of placement on Google, although high, will shift towards traffic coming in from a variety of sources and search engines.  The goal is to effectively drive traffic and look to engage people in outlets other than just websites. 

If your target audience, as defined above, are searching for apps then your website ranking will not be nearly as important as your rank in the app store.  If your audience is full or video viewers, then it is crucial that your videos appear towards the top of where they are being searched.  The main objective is to rank well on Google and engines that are being used by your audience. Drive traffic through all mediums that your audience is using.

AI: The importance of artificial intelligence

The use of structured data is becoming critical in SEO as the shift from mobile-first to AI-first continues.  The information gathered by AI must show a relationship and within a timely manner. AI processes text quickly and will bypass required information if it is taking too long to crawl the data as it is being presented. 

In 2019 the importance of structured data, schema, active and passive search behaviors and intent make the process and behaviors leading to the search a critical part of SEO.  As digital marketers we need to start diving deeper into the relationship between keywords, topics, and audience behavior in creating and implementing structured markup.  Using a combination of site architecture, meta data, site tags, and structured data allows marketers to give the proper signals to search engines to back up the sites topical and supportive content.

Generate incomparable content

In 2018 we learned that Google’s algorithm was focused mainly on the quality of the content and this will not change a whole lot in 2019.  It was found that websites that were able to provide in-depth, high quality content increased significantly in their placement on search engines. Websites with weak content, although previously ranked highly, dropped in placement on search engines and website visibility became minimal.  Website content writers must create content that is able to answer questions and solve users’ problems.  The best way to do this is through the creation of content that relates to, moves, and brings solutions to your target audience. 

Boost knowledge, become an expert, and create trust

Not only is the content important but quality is also determined in that the content fits into the context.  As marketers it is not likely any authority will be placed on your content if you have not proven to be an authority on the subject.  What this means to us is that we must work to leverage ourselves within the industry as an expert.  Back links and other important SEO measures must be received through sources that show expertise in areas we are looking to specialize in. 

Technical aspects of search engine placement

The complexity of technical SEO practices will not go away in 2019.  There are some key technical components that will continue to play a role in your placement including:

  • Site Speed: The speed at which your website pages load on desktops and mobile devices will continue to play a role in rankings.  Your audience has about three seconds of patience.  In order to get the best loading speed possible for the pages on your website follow this advice:activate AMP on your pages, use HTTPS, move to PHP7, optimize, and use critical rendering paths.
  • JavaScript: Websites are heavily Java Script driven. Be familiar with this popular programming language and how search engines work best with JavaScript driven websites.
  • Optimization on-page

On-page site optimization hasn’t disappeared in its level of importance with the increase in elements that are now significant in search algorithms.  On-page optimization is not an aspect of SEO that can be put in place and forgotten.  Each and every quarter, on-page optimization should be reevaluated and modified as seen fit. 

  • Prepare for the importance of voice search

The last decade of SEO has been all about mobile optimization although 2019 isn’t going to be full on voice search it is time for marketers to consider it and start to include voice strategies in their online marketing techniques.  Voice searching is an easy way to request answers to simple questions however might not yet be the best option for more complex needs. 

  • Optimize for featured snippets & Google SERP features

Not only must your own website be optimized, in 2019 the Google experience must also be optimized for. Your sites exposure will come in a combination of ways, visibility is key.  Featured snippets should be programmed to answer questions to questions users will have related to your website.  These snippets could range from recipes, knowledge graphs, answer boxes, and who knows what else.  Programming these snippets into your site are guaranteed to see an increase in your organic traffic. 

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming,website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Radiation Therapy: Two Common Photon Treatments

There are several common types of radiation therapy that are used in treating cancer today.  Radiation therapy is classified according to the type of radiation particles or waves that are used in treatment which include: photons, electrons, or protons.  The most commonly available treatments using photons and electrons.  In this installment we will look further into treatments using linear accelerators, LINAC, and CT Scanners, in the treatment of cancerous tumors.

3D Conformal Radiation Therapy

3D conformal radiation therapy is a method of treating cancer that uses CT imaging, Cat scan-based, in the treatment of cancerous tumors.  In 3D conformal radiation therapy, the tumors and organs are well-defined 3D images as opposed to flat images that are gotten from x-rays.  Tumors are outlined in three dimensions on a CT scan. Healthy organs are defined as well when scans are performed so that technicians can see areas that need to be avoided. 

Radiation beams are then organized in the best possible way to avoid healthy organs while delivering the highest dose of radiation possible to the cancerous tumor.  Patients are placed in the same position as they were when their CT scan was performed.  This allows for accurate placement of beams according to the scans that were obtained. 

Special software is used that calculates the total amount of radiation that will be delivered to the tumor and normal tissues to assure that the tumor is sufficiently covered in radiation while healthy tissues and organs receive as little radiation as possible.   The radiation beams are adjusted even further based on the software’s calculations to give healthy doses of radiation while being manipulated into varying positions and shapes as defined by the tumor.  Radiation beams are directed using one of two types of machines: Cerrobend blocks or multi-leaf collimators. 

Cerrobend blocks are individually shaped to form specific, custom-made shapes that create the correct beam for treatment.

Multi-leaf collimators are skinny, metal blocks that move independent of one another in a quick, swift manner to form complex patterns to shape radiation treatment beams.  They are commonly used in IMRT.

Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)

IMRT is another form of delivering photons in the treatment of cancerous tumors with the possibility of lowering the dose of radiation delivered to non-cancerous tissues.  Planning for IMRT begins in a similar fashion as 3D conformal radiation therapy in that it starts out with simulation.  The tumor and organs are all outlined and shown as three-dimensional objects. Several beams of radiation are situated at varying points around the person in order to deliver the optimal amount of radiation. In IMRT, the beams are divided into a grid pattern.  The large radiation beam is split into numerous smaller beams known as beamlets. 

Software is used to establish the appropriate pattern to break the beamlets down into from the larger beam to prevent radiation targeting healthy tissues while delivering the optimum radiation to the cancer.  The multi-leaf collimators often form more than fifty different shapes during radiation treatment.  The main advantage to this type of radiation therapy is that the patterns the beamlets form are precise and the radiation controlled.  IMRT is often utilized when cancerous tumors are in positions that are difficult to treat. 

Often tumors that are directly adjacent to or wrapped around normal healthy organs, IMRT is used.  Intensity modulated radiation therapy reshapes the radiation in the best possible way to avoid normal organs while delivering large doses of radiation to the tumor.  IMRT is used commonly in the treatment of head and neck tumors where there are many other significant structures and organs that are near the tumor such as the spinal cord.

The one downside to IMRT is that it can take longer to plan and deliver treatment than other 3D conformal therapy.  Radiation can also be a bit more uneven as well because of the small beamlets that are being used.  Although normal organs are out of danger of high doses of radiation larger number of normal organs receive low doses of radiation which can be a disadvantage.  As of today, low doses of exposure to radiation are unknown.  Tumors must continually be monitored for movement and shrinkage to ensure that radiation is being delivered to the cancer. 

As an independent LINAC service company, Acceletronics is dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and services for linear accelerators and CT scanners across all major brands and models, as well as new and refurbished LINAC systems for sale.  More information can be found online at

How Exactly Is My Cataract Going to Be Removed?

Cataracts have become a common complaint amongst the aging population.  In fact, cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States today.  Thankfully, surgery is very successful step in treating cataracts and improving patients’ vision.  The word surgery itself seems to invoke a lot of fear let alone pairing it with the word eye. The good news is that most patients undergoing cataract surgery not only experience improved vision, but they do so with little to no side effects. 

Cataract surgery is performed by making two incredibly small incisions in the cornea. The cornea is a transparent dome that is made up of tissue that covers the front of your eye.  The incisions that are made into this tissue are less than 3 millimeters.  This is very small incision. 

Once the two incisions have been made, your cataract surgeon will inject a gooey thick material into the front of your eye to help it keep its natural shape while the surgery is performed.  The goo that is injected is a substance that naturally occurs in your body.  The thickness of the bi-product ensures that leakage does not occur while the surgery is performed.

Phacoemulsification is the technical name of the cataract surgery we are discussing.  In Phacoemulsification your surgeon creates a lens capsule to hold the lens in place.  This is done by creating an opening with in the natural sac and then separating the lens from the capsule by using a salt solution.  Once a surgeon has opened the capsule the lens can move freely within it. A specialized ultrasound is used to break up the lens into a bunch of small pieces and suck it out of the eye. 

Before Phacoemulsification, cataract surgery looked a lot different.  In prior surgeries cataracts were removed by making a large cut in the cornea and removing the lens in one solid piece.  This procedure required an extended recovery time as well as increased risk of infection, complication,and lasting side effects. 

In Phacoemulsification once the lens pieces are removed, more goo is injected into the lens capsule to help keep it open and to make room for the placement of the new lens.  The new lens is then placed into the lens capsule and allowed to unfold naturally.  The goo material will have kept the shape of the eye throughout surgery and the two small incisions will self-heal. 

This surgical option to removing cataracts was introduced over forty years ago and remains the most popular method used by eye surgeons in removing cataracts today.

Rohr Eye& Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Help! What Water Treatment System Do I Need?

KODAK Digital Still Camera

There is a lot of confusion surrounding the best water treatment solution for your homes water. There are major differences between water filters, water purifiers, and water softeners.  Many consumers use these terms interchangeably and believe they perform similar process however this is not the case. 

Each of these water treatment options has its own process and removes completely different impurities within your homes water.  If your goal is to have cleaner drinking water that is free of lead, chlorine, and other impurities should understand that a water softener does not meet this goal. Instead water softeners are meant to remove scale buildup from water. 

Before comparing filters, purifiers, and softeners it is important to know what we are using them for; what is it that we want to remove from the water?  Natural water picks up chemicals compounds, minerals, and impurities get picked up along the way.  Calcium, magnesium, chlorine, pesticides,herbicides, waste, bacteria, and even viruses can be picked up by your homes water as it travels into your home and out through your faucets. 

These impurities should be removed from your homes water supply before it is utilized for drinking and cooking as if ingested can present issues to one’s health.  Water filters and water purification systems can help remove the impurities mentioned above. Other items, unrelated to the health of your water can also build up in the water supply and if left untreated can present problems with buildup in your homes plumbing as well as reducing the lifespan of your appliances. The minerals that allow scale to build up are only removed with the usage of a whole house water softener

What is a water filter?

Water filters can be installed to treat water at the point of use or to filter water throughout the house. A filter can be used to remove and/or reduce impurities like chlorine,lead, chromium, copper, nickel, and more. Water filters also help to inhibit the growth of algae, fungi, and bacteria in water although should not be considered the end all solution for these water impurities.

What are water purifiers?

Water purification systems help to fully remove the bacteria and viruses in the water.  Purifiers do not remove chemical contaminants like water filters do however when used in conjunction with one another they prevent chemical and natural chemicals from ending up in your homes drinking water or water supply in general if installed to purify and filter the water throughout the whole house.

What is a water softener?

There are two types of water softeners: one that uses salt and one that uses potassium chloride. Although two very different systems they do offer the same solution in that they remove the minerals and impurities in the water that create build up in your homes plumbing. Water softeners don’t target the contaminants in water or even make it safer to drink however they do filter out the ick in water that results in appliances running inefficiently and help to prolong the longevity of your homes plumbing, appliances, and such.

Before you purchase a water treatment option it is important to have your water tested by a professional water treatment expert.  They will help to pinpoint the type of water system that you need for your exact problem. Some water may use a combination of treatments while some water issues may be addressed with just one option. In the most problematic water systems it may be necessary to install all three systems to work in conjunction with one another. 

The experts at Reynolds Water Conditioning have a solution to your homes unique water quality needs including: arsenic, bacteria,chlorine, rotten egg smell, fluoride, hard water, iron, lead, acid, tannins, radon, and more.  More information on our water treatment solutions including water softeners and conditioners, water filtration and purification, reverse osmosis drinking water, and iron &odor removal can be found online at

Treating Cancer With Radiation Therapy

There are many parts and components that must be considered when servicing and repairing linear accelerators and other types of radiation therapy equipment.  Consider the inner workings of LINAC systems and the process they go through to deliver targeted radiation and you will see why professional servicing and maintenance is required.

External radiotherapy is done with the use of specialized radiation therapy equipment.  This equipment is designed to aim beams of radiation at the source of cancer.  The most common types of radiation being through the use of high energy x-ray beams. Other types can include particle beams, such as protons and electrons.  These beams are used to obliterate the cancerous cells within the are being treated while preventing radiation damage to healthy cells.

Radiotherapy works by harming the DNA within the cancerous cells.  The DNA is the genetic code which controls the behavior of the cells. Radiotherapy damages DNA directly on contact or creates charged up particles to damage the DNA.  This treatment should stop the growth or kill the cancer.  When cells die your body will break them down and get rid of waste substance.  Normal cells could be damaged but usually repair themselves. 

Before treatment can begin your doctor will want to go over the short- and long-term side effects. Most will be temporary and can be regulated with medication.  The team that treats you will use a combination of images including x-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, or PET scans.  They will be used to monitor the size of the tumor and measure the shrinkage that is occurring.

Radiotherapy machines, like linear accelerators, are very large and can look extremely intimidating. A LINAC uses electricity in creating radiotherapy beams.  The machine will never touch you and the radiation will not be felt.  Some discomfort can be expected from the side effects of treatment but can be controlled using medication. For radiotherapy to work the radiation must cover the entire cancerous area and the surrounding border.  Physicians will give the lowest dosage possible to prevent damage to the health tissue surrounding the cancer.  This will reduce the risks of side effects to the healthy tissue.

The dose of radiation you are prescribed will be divide up into small doses known as fractions. Instead of one large dose, these smaller doses allow the same amount of radiation overtime which helps to alleviate the side effects and allows the healthy tissues time between treatments to heal.  Radiation can be given as palliative care which is given to alleviate the pain associated with cancer or as a treatment to cure the cancer.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

Procrastinating On Closing Your Pool For The Winter

By now, most of us Northerners have shut down our pools in preparation for the winter season.  Let’s face it, unless you are a polar bear and enjoy frigid cold-water temps you aren’t going to be swimming after November. However, there may still be a few of you out there that have delayed the inevitable and need some quick tips to get your pool safely closed now that autumn has faded, and winter mayhem is knocking at the door.

In order to prepare your pool for winter, it is crucial to complete some very basic maintenance. The first and most important step in shutting down your pool involves balancing the water that will be left in the pool.  Not only is balancing the pH of the pool critical for the pools water clarity it is also crucial in increasing the longevity of the pool equipment.  A pH level of between 7.2 and 7.6 is suggested in order to keep the water sanitized throughout the winter months.

Another vital step is to finish the season with a clean pool.  Cleaning the surface of your pool will help to prevent permanent damage and surface stains on the pools plaster while the pool sits stagnant in the coming winter months.  All leaves and debris should be removed before the pool is closed to prevent difficulties removing them in the spring.Along with cleaning the pools water the pools filter should also be removed and fully cleaned.  This will help the filter in the spring to operate properly and avoid complications opening the pool.

When closing your pool for the winter it is also important to protect the pools plaster from the growth of algae.  Algae can quickly turn the cleanest of pools into a murky mess. There are a number of chemicals that can be added to the water to maintain an algae proof environment. 

If you haven’t figured it out by now, it is important to leave the water in the pool.  DO NOT EMPTY THE POOL! The water should be left above the skimmer box.  Keeping the water in the pool prevents putting a strain on the structure which could cause extensive, not to mention expensive, damage.

Once these steps have been completed it is important to further protect the pool from falling debris by placing a cover over the top of the pool.  This also will help to keep the water balanced.

Now if you haven’t, go close that pool!  Winterizing your pool makes opening the pool in the spring 100 times easier.  If this all sounds like too much to you it give us a call and we can help!

Pound Pool Plastering offers several options when it comes to servicing your pool including plaster, caulk, tiling, cement decks,plumbing, and coping in both commercial and residential settings.  More information can be found at

Changes To Medigap At The End Of 2019

When you are purchasing a Medicare supplemental policy it is crucial that you use care when making your selection, especially over the next few months.  At the end of 2019 certain Medigap plans will no longer be available.

 Medigap Plan F, which is known as the premier supplemental insurance plan, will no longer be available for new enrollees.  Medigap Plan F is currently the most comprehensive supplemental insurance plan available for purchase.  If you are a Medicare beneficiary that doesn’t want any healthcare cost surprises, then this is the ideal plan for you, but it all ends at the end of 2019.

Even though Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan F will no longer be available after the end of 2019 for new enrollees eight different options in Medigap will be.  Participants that are enrolled in Medicare Plan F before the cut off at the end of 2019 will still be allowed to continue coverage.  Industry experts are predicting that the premium of Plan F may make it so that it is not cost effective and participants would be better off enrolling in Plan G. 

Currently Plan F is the most expensive Medigap plan available.  Medicare enrollees are willing to pay top dollar to be enrolled in this plan because they can see any doctor and go to any hospital that accepts Medicare patients without having to worry about a surprise bill after. With Medigap Plan F there is no deductible, no co-pay, or coinsurance. The next closest Medigap policy to Plan F as far as coverage goes is Plan G.  The only difference as of right now is that there is a deductible that enrollees must cover at the beginning of every year.

Rates for Medicare Supplemental Insurance differ state to state and between insurance companies as well. In the last few years the lower costs associated with Medigap Plan G have been drawing beneficiaries of Medicare away from Plan F.  Although a number of predictions have been made as to the effects that eliminating Plan F will have on Medigap, we won’t know for sure until the change goes into effect at the end of next year.

Some thoughts are that in 2020 Medigap Plan G rates will jump as all new enrollees will be accepted regardless of their health.  Another thought is that the participants still enrolled in Medigap Plan F after they stop accepting new patience’s at the end of 2019 will have to pay more for the same coverage.  Without enrolling healthy young people to help offset the costs, sicker people will make up the majority of enrollees.  In order to cover Plan F the premium that it paid will increase.

The experts at eMedigap Plans, powered by Omega, have all the answers you are looking for when it comes to your Medigap Supplemental Insurance needs.  More information can be found at